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Draco, Blade, and I are officially apart of the quidditch team

I even got Severus to give us more practice time

it's 6:30 in the morning

Draco was complaining a lot

Blade and I are both early risers anyway

the Griffin freaks are out there

oh god

I'm even starting to think like a regular Slytherin

Oliver Wood, who I swear is having a thing with Marcus, was now shouting

Draco, Blade, and I were in the back

"Flint!" Wood yelled at our captain

Marcus smiles

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one to notice

I'm cool with it

if Marcus wants to fuck a Gryffindor, cool

"This is our practice time! We got up specially! You can clear off now!"

Marcus walks towards him with a glint in his eyes

I only wish they would stop eye fucking in front of us

"Plenty of room for us all, wood"

Some girls, who I think are on the Gryffindor team, walk over

there is no girls on our team

no because we don't allow it

most girls in Slytherin are too prissy

if one out ranked one of us

she would be on the team

"But I booked the field!" Wood throws a tantrum "I booked it"

"He's dramatic" Mason tells me

I nod

"I have a not from Professor Snape" Marcus says handing him the note

he reads it and looks up "You have three new players?"

"Let me guess one of them is my brother" Charles sighs

Draco, Blade, and I step forward

"The blonde one is a Malfoy" Fred says

"The brown headed one is a Zabini" George adds

"The last one is a Riddle" Charles pouts

"Speaking of Riddle, let me show you his birthday present" Marcus boasts

we all show out new Nimbus 2001's

"Hadrian got these for his birthday?!!" Charles asks

"Father thinks of Hadrian as another son. He is treated exactly how I am" Draco defends

"Very latest model; only came out a couple months ago" Flint says "I believe it outstrips the only two thousand series by a considerable amount. As for the clean sweeps, sweeps them off the board"

Aror Pike snickers "Plus we have Hadrian, he is the fastest player I have every seen"

I look over and nod

"Look" Flint says "a field invasion"

We all look over

Weasley and Granger

"What's happening?" Weasley asks Charles "Why aren't you playing? What are they doing here?"

"We're on the team" Blade tells

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