Trespassing | Chapter 16

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Akira POV
The Next Day

I woke up next to Lindsey and he was fast asleep too. I looked up at the time on his tv and it was 6:34am.

I shook him up cause I was beyond late. The bus comes at 6:45 so I had to get ready now so her could drop me off at school.

"Lindsey wake up, we gotta get ready so you can drop me to school" I said in my raspy voice.

He groaned and then he opened his eyes.

"You not going into school right now anyway, we gotta get that shit on your arm removed" he groaned.

"What you mean?" I asked .

"Lazer removal" he replied rubbing his eyes.

"What? That's gone hurt" I complained.

He scoffed. "It's not, it's like a small shock then it goes away, that tattoo not that big so it's most definitely not gone hurt or be that long and it go by fast so don't be a kid about it" he laughed.

I trusted his word and gave in. Lindsey has around 4 tattoos and got one removed so I probably should trust him.

"My dad supposed to be coming home in a minute so let's get ready for he come in here and start showing favoritism" he said getting up and stretching.

I laughed and we started getting ready.

After Lazer Removal

"See it wasn't even that bad" Lindsey said as we got back in his car.

"I guess but ion like how this looks on my arm" I said looking at it.

"It'll peel off eventually" he said then turning on the engine and driving off to drop me off.

While he was driving he was texting somebody, I'm guessing his girlfriend so I won't even ask.

He put his phone up and continued to drive. "You want something to eat?" He asked.

"Stop at sonic, I want some cheese sticks and a slushee" I told him.

He nodded and he started to drive near where the sonic was.

When he pulled in the drive thru they took our order and then he paid for it, then I got my food.

"Gimmie one" he said pulling out of the parking lot.

"Gimmie got shot" I laughed.

He sucked his teeth and took my slushee instead and drank some of it.

"Who told you to drink my shit" I asked.

"My damn wallet" he boldly said mashing the gas.

I rolled my eyes and he drove off to the school.

At school
12:34pm Lunch Time

I arrived in the cafeteria and the vibe just felt weird so I decided to sit outside like I sometimes do.

Most of the time when I had my car with me I would drive some where like McDonald's or something but Lindsey dropped me so I couldn't.

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