Sad Day | Chapter 34

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Akira POV

I ran out the elevator to the floor that they were in the sky was starting to brighten outside so you could tell that's how long that whole ordeal took.

When I ran into the waiting room everybody was looking sad, devastated and depressed.

I looked at my mom and her eyes were puffy and red she looked like she was crying and so was Arie.

"What happened? Is he okay?" I asked as JJ and the rest of them walked in behind me.

My mom looked up at me and JJ and walked towards us wiping her nose with the tissue.

"They said..." my mom tried to get out.

She started sobbing again and that made me even more worried.

"Slow down baby" JJ told her.

"They said he didn't make it, the bullet hit right next to his heart and he lost a lot of blood and they couldn't do nothing about it" she said and started crying even more.

JJ gave her a tight hug and his brown skin face turned a tint of red and he had tears rolling down his eyes.

Me on the other hand? I was in disbelief. I didn't want to believe that my brother was dead.

But by the looks of everyone's face I guess I have to believe it. But how? How could I let this happen? I am honestly the worst big sister ever.

The feeling of disgust, anger and sadness reached my stomach and it made me nauseous.

I ran to the trash can and threw up, everyone stared at me concerned.

After that I felt dizzy and I passed out then and there. Everything was black and I couldn't feel nothing.

2 hours later

I woke up attached to a hospital bed, my lower stomach was bandaged up and my throat felt dry.

When I looked around, I saw Arie in the room with me just staring at the ground.

"Arie?" I said.

She jumped up and ran to the side of the bed, she looked at me and started tearing up.

"He's gone, he's really gone" she whimpered.

Hearing her say that made me tear up and that's when reality hit me like a druggie taking crack.

I let out a sigh and wiped my tears.

"Arie listen to me and listen to me good.. after all this settle down you need to stop fucking with so many niggas that you know is caught up in this drug mess, cause I'm done.. I'm genuinely done.. Im not gone lose Jordan or Marco after this. I am truly in pain that I let my brother die like that and you gotta be done too. Every thing we do now? We do it for him.. if you don't wanna comprehend what I'm saying then I'm going to do it for him all on my own, Miami is dead physically but his soul is in my heart I wish there was something I could of done but it all happened so fast and I feel total regret, I should of slowed down and thought shit through but he's gone and I can't do nothing about it" I explained.

She looked at me and nodded her head.

This is it for me. I'm going to have a talk with Lindsey as well once I have my head cleared and I'm fully recovered.

I let out a sigh and gave Arie a hug, we gotta do better then this.


Rest In Heaven ❤️🕊

Miami Sincere Evans
June 21st 2004- April 10th 2020

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