Acting Fast | Chapter 29

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Lindsey POV
9:07am- Next Day

I woke up to the bright sunlight in my face, I groaned and then stretched.

Today, I was going to go hang out with Akira and calm her down a little bit cause her dad said what happened yesterday.

I got in the shower and got ready after that and doing my normal routine.

When I came back in my room from the bathroom I checked my phone.

I scrolled through my notifications and saw a text from Akira at 11 last night.

Akira 😍🤞🏾: I'm going through with my OWN plan, Ian waiting on y'all fools and I'm especially not doing dirty work with my dad , I'm here and I'm going to finish this and get Miami back by myself 👀💯- 11:56pm

My eyes widened then threw on my pants and ran downstairs with my phone.

My dad and Adrian were downstairs smoking a blunt looking at me weird.

"Look" I said then handed my dad my phone and Adrian read it too.

"Damnnn Adrian why yo daughter gotta be so hard headed, we may need to act faster then we already were now" my pops said.

All he did was shook his head.

"So I guess we doing this tonight ??" I asked.

They looked at me and nodded their head. I guess we're doing this earlier then expected.

Akira POV

They threw me into a empty, dark room it was hot as fuck in here and they obviously had someone else in here taking hostage.

"Stay in here bitch, im coming back" dwyane spoke leaving out the room.

They shut the door behind me and I looked around in the room I was in.

As I examined, there was a figure balled up in the corner shivering like it's was cold in here but it wasn't.

I slowly walked up the the figure and they turned around.

"Akira?!" He said.

He ran up and hugged me and I hugged this random person back cause I didn't know who he was.

"Um who are you?" I asked.

"It's me" he said looking at me deep in my eyes and that's when it hit me.

Brown skin, nappy head, tall figure.

"Miami?" I said about to tear up.

He nodded his head frantically and hugged me again. His face was so beaten up that I couldn't even recognize him.

"I'm going to get us the fuck out of here okay? What else did they to do you?" I asked checking his arms and neck.

"Nothing, they jumped me and beat me up a lot so I only have bruises and cuts nothing too deep" he strained to get out.

Seeing him like that made me so fucking mad, I'm going to kill them.

The door opened again and in game dwyane and some lady with an eye patch over her right eye.

She stared at us and laughed.

"Dwyane sweetie, hand me my knife" she spoke.

Dwyane gave her some purple knife and then she walked towards Miami first.

"Touch him and I swear, I will rip your guts out from where you standing" I said getting in front of him.

She looked at me and smiled. "Funny your saying that to the person that has a knife pointed at their rib cage" she scoffed.

"Do your worse bitch and I promise you my peoples will come up in here and wreck y'all shit" I said then spat in her face.

She backed up and wiped her face and she was mad. Who cares though? Am I right?

"Take the boy, Dwyane you deal with her, this is why I'm glad I never had my own daughter" she spoke and two buff guys grabbed up Miami as he screamed out my name.

"Miami it's gone be fine!" I yelled after him as everyone that was in the room but Dwyane left.

He shut and locked the door behind him and gave me a devilish look.

"So you thought that you could of killed me?" He said walking slowly towards me.

"Ain't no thought, I would of if it won't for your fucking pussy ass boy friend" I responded.

He laughed and then punched me in my face, I felt my nose started to bleed out .

"What makes you think hitting me make you more of a man?" I smirked.

He punched my again but this time he punched me straight in my stomach.

"You gone keep it up?" He said shaking out his fist.

When I got back up I lunges at him trying to scratch his fucking eye balls out but I failed and he tackled me to the ground. AGAIN. This is the damn nfl?

"Get yo heavy ass off of me, you stink" I complained.

He chuckled and the punched me in my face again, at this point, ima be needing plastic surgery.

I felt my eye slowly swelling up and throbbing, maybe I should have listened to Lindsey.

He raised his upper body from off me, but he was still sitting on my legs.

He began to unbuckle his pants. "You gone feel this" he scoffed.

That's where you got me fucked up, I tried to push my body from my arms but it didn't work with his heavy ass.

I looked around for something to grab and there was some wooden stick on the floor.

I grabbed it then swung him against his head with it and he got off of me quickly. I got up and tried to look for something else to defend myself but there was nothing.

I ran to the door and tried to unlock it but he grabbed me by my legs, making me fall to the ground hard as fuck.

When I tried to get up he grabbed me up and threw me in the corner where this dingy ass mattress was.

I had no where to go at this point.

He ripped my leggings off and took out his hard member and began to come close to me.

Lindsey POV

"You tracked her phone " Adrian asked me.

"Yea, we pulling up on it now" I said.

In the car it was me, kiras dad, my dad, judas and his dad in the car, I would of thought we needed more people then this but my dad said it wasn't needed.

When we looked in the area, we saw akiras car at the side of Dwyane crib.

My pops stopped the car and I ran out to her car and it was empty, her phone was in the passenger seat and I saw that the door was unlocked.

I opened it and grabbed her phone, I saw in her back seat there was one of her bags.

I grabbed that too and shut the door and ran back to the car.

"What you got?" Judas asked.

"Her phone and her bag I think there's something in it too, it's kind of heavy" I said adjusting in my seat.

Judas opened the bag and he took out akiras revolver that I got her a while back.

"Yo, home girl was serious when she said she was gone kill these niggas"he said putting back the gun and handed me back the bag.

"But the real question is... where is Akira?" I asked.

They stayed silent and we continued to drive around the block.

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