Chapter Ten

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| Savanna|

"And he said that you both flirted?" Sasha asked, annoyance in her voice.

I nodded, "I guess he thinks I enjoy it?" I said, almost in a question.

"He's so fucking disgusting" Natalie commented as we all agreed. "He's taking your kindness for granted Savanna, you have gone far too long without telling Jason how much he actually freaks you out when he makes dirty ass comments about your ass and it's time you do because it's getting out of hand" She ended.

I knew I had to tell Jason but I always avoided it because I knew what would happen if I did. I was used to Cole flirting with me, everybody was now but it was almost like he didn't care anymore, like he'd do it in front of Jason happily after the last conversation I had with him. It sounded so strange to me but he was so confident about it, as if he genuinely believed I was enjoying his horrible remarks.

"Nat is right Sav, tell Jason before somebody else does"

After saying our goodbyes, I headed out of the building to where I saw Jason stood by his car. Well one of the very many cars he owned.

I almost felt nervous because not only were we still arguing and he was being so horrible to me about it, but I was planning on telling him about Cole, with the fear that he'll get even more mad and just murder Cole or something.

I walked across the path and over to him as his eyes now met mine, squinting because of sun which made him look even more attractive.

"Hi" I said, as he stepped forwards.

"You ready to go?" He asked, his tone of voice was blunt just like it was this morning.

I nodded as I watched his eyes shift from mine to behind me making me turn around seeing Cole now leaving the building with his friends but soon disappearing behind one of the smaller buildings probably to go and smoke, it was a very common here.

I turned back to look at Jason who's jaw was clenched and was evidently angrier. Great.

"Can we please just go?" I said making him look down at me again. He didn't say anything, instead he just opened the door for me before I sat in waiting for him to come to his side. Once starting the engine, he didn't waste any time zooming out of the car park.

I noticed we weren't taking the route towards our house and instead, we became closer to his office which led me to believe that we weren't going home, as I did hope to.

"I have to pick up a few files, you're coming with me" He bluntly said again before getting out of the car, coming over to my side before opening the door for me.

He took my hand in his before looking in to my eyes briefly before he turned and headed in to towards the building. Our fingers interlocked and although he was mad at me still and we weren't talking, he still made sure to hold my hand as this place was still part of his crime life, it wasn't nearly as bad as his warehouse as that place was strictly for people in his gang, but this place also held a few people who were aware of Jason's gang and even apart of it, just the business side to it I guess.

And trust me, it was very attractive seeing Jason being such a successful businessman, and being so cool about it.

I suddenly was taken out of my own little world to Jason pulling me towards him and it was only then when I had realised the crushed glass on the ground. The glass belonged to the entrance doors that now were no longer there.

"Be careful, you gotta watch where you're going Savanna" He said, looking at me with the 'I told you so' kinda look. What? I didn't look where I was going most of the time, but that is exactly why Jason was so helpful because he did the looking for me.

"What happened?" I asked as we walked in to the building and to the elevator as people greeted him with "Good afternoon Mr McCann".

"Nothing you have to worry about sweetheart" he simply replied as he let me step in to the elevator first before following.

"Right, I forgot you don't tell me anything anyway" I responded letting go of his hand as the elevator doors closed.

"Savanna, I don't want to argue with you right now, the less you know about this shit the better and safer you are. Do you understand that?" He replied as he turned to look at me.

I didn't reply because there was no reply to that, I was used to hearing it.

"I need those three files sent to my office as soon as possible" Jason immediately said to his receptionist who sat there, twirling her hair and literally gazing at him as if he were a piece of melting chocolate. She literally acted as if I didn't exist and she knew who I was, Jason had shown her plenty of times too but I guess some girls are just... like that.

"Yes Mr McCann" Ugh god, could she sound anymore flirty?

Jason simply ignored her, taking my hand again before leading me to the large blurred out door which led to his main office.

"I have to talk to you about something" I said, with a deep breath as I was plucking up the courage to talk about Cole to him. Maybe, just maybe, will our arguing end if I just came to him with something meaningful.

Opening the door for me, i walked in before noticing two men were sat already waiting for him. And Tracey, Jason's receptionist didn't bother mentioning he had guests waiting for him?

One of them had tattoos all over and I recognised him because he had come to our house quite a few times and obviously, he and I had never spoken. Next to him stood a very rough looking man, his clothes were ripped and he had blood pouring from his head which made me believe this wasn't a good situation.

I turned to look at Jason who was turned, locking the door behind him. "Um Jason" I spoke making him turn around as the man with the tattoos exchanged an awkward eye contact.

"Hm?" Jason turned around and instantly, a frown formed on his face along with annoyance as he squinted his eyes- something he did a lot when he was annoyed.

"What the fuck are you doing in here Marco, with him?"

Oh god.

"I'm sorry boss man, you said you wanted Chris, i thought you'd enjoy this surprise but obviously, not right now" He awkwardly said, I feel like he was trying not to laugh but the man who stood with him, whose name I now knew of as being Chris, stood with terror on his face as soon as he saw Jason.

I hated this.

Jason fell silent and I didn't even know where to look, it was clear Chris was here by force and this 'surprise' was just going to be another reason for Jason to hurt somebody because they did something wrong. This is why I never involved myself in Jason's life, this is why.

"Savanna, will you wait outside with Dave for me? I'll come and get you in 5 minutes"


I slowly nodded as I turned to look at him, he could see I was hating this and I almost felt like crying because I knew what was going to happen.

As I approached him, he took my hand before kissing the back of it and looking in to my eyes with sympathy. He knew what was going on, he knew this was not going to end well but most of all, he knew I knew what was going to happen right now.

And that was the worst part, I had to deal with it.

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