Chapter Fourteen

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| Savanna |

Jason didn't understand how impulsive he really was. He made permanent decisions based off of his temporary emotions and he knew that. He and I managed to figure out our issues majority of the time, but unlike other 'normal' couples, our arguments were very different. I'm guessing not many girls had to argue with their boyfriend about stopping them from killing somebody, literally. Therefore, it was important that Jason knew his place and I knew mine, but sometimes Jason forgot that I was a part of his crime life as much as he hated it. I was a part of it as soon as we got together, or even met, which meant he needed to listen to me at times where I thought about his safety. Sometimes I genuinely wondered whether he knew the true definition of having a significant other, because who would be happy with their partner being in any form of danger? Jason would freak out even if I told him if a certain idea was bad because apparently it ruined his image and his organisation.

Anyway, after a while of trying to call him and not receiving an answer, not even a text, I gave up and got on with my own things. I cleaned up, which I was never obligated to do but I have always had this love for making things look pretty and that including cleaning, it was aesthetically pleasing and that's why I enjoyed doing it so much.

I picked up the clothes that had formed little mountains on the floor of our closet before folding them and as I turned around, i saw Jason stood at the doorway. His hands were buried in his pockets, his hair was a mess and he looked at me with darkness in his eyes as per usual.

"You're back? What happened? Did you get any of my calls? Did you speak to Damien?" I rushed out, approaching him.

"Savanna, please, leave it. You think we've argued enough?"

Well if you didn't act like a stubborn idiot most of the time, we'd be fine.

"Now you're saying this? You're unbelievable" I muttered pushing past him only to feel him grab on to my wrist.

"No jason. You're so horrible to me when you're angry. You're supposed to at least listen to me about things instead of getting so mad about it, when I'm only saying things to benefit you." I lashed out turning to face him.

"Listen to you? About what to do in my organisation? How many times am I supposed to tell you this is about your safety, not mine" he replied, something he said all the time.

"I became a part of every aspect of your life as soon as I entered it, you forget that" I responded, my voice quieting.

He didn't reply, he didn't even look as angry, more so exhausted which made it easier because I definitely hated raising my voice which is exactly what I had been doing these past few days we have been arguing.

"I understand"

I was shook, are you?

"You do?" I asked, shock in my voice as I frowned.

"Yes. I know you get scared, I'm sorry I haven't been acting right recently, okay?"

This is the side of Jason that only came out with me, he never used to be like this and I'm not trying to boast but I lowkey was the reason why he could say sorry now without wanting to pull his hair out.

"It's not about that... I just wish you wouldn't take your anger at me all the time" I responded as I approached him.

"I get angry because every time I think about Cole, I think about every other man that looks at you the way he does. I can't deal with that shit, and I never will be able to" He continued making me slowly nod. I couldn't help but look at him in awe because he looked like a little lost puppy.

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