Chapter Fifteen

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| Savanna |

That early morning feeling, it was unbearable especially when you knew you had so much to do in the day and not enough time. But it helped waking up to an insanely attractive boyfriend who happened to look extra hot in his morning after sex state.

"You're staring at me. You're a lil weirdo" he suddenly said as I admired him. His voice sounded tired, manly and all around hot as he kept his eyes shut.

I sniggered, "How can I not?" I asked innocently as he groaned stretching. In the middle of stretching, the sound of the doorbell rang, echoing to our room. The gates were locked at all times and nobody knew the code to it, other than Jason's closest friends and of course me.

Jason was quick to jump up out of bed, pulling on a pair of boxers "Stay here" he said and with that, he left the room.

I frowned, he was crazy to think I'd stay cooped up in the room when I could be finding out who was going crazy at the door. I quickly grabbed Jason's sweatshirt which was laying on the ground close enough to me before I pulled it on and left the room.

I knew Jason would kill me if I came downstairs, especially in the state I was in so I stayed by the stairs but the level of shouting made me concerned because I recognised the voice.


I couldn't make out what he was actually saying but he was yelling and by the sound of it, Jason sounded angry now too.

I quickly made my way down the stairs just in time to stop Damien from literally launching at Jason. "Damien! What is wrong with you?" I said in a raised voice as I stood in between him and Jason.

"You didn't stop him Savanna? You let him fuck up Cole?" He asked me, his voice angry even towards me.

My face instantly changed its expression which was mainly because I had completely forgotten about Cole and what happened last night. "Don't be acting like you ain't see this coming. Your bitch boy had fucked around for too long now" Jason answered for me as he stepped forward to stand next to me.

"What the fuck did he do to you?" Damien replied. This was not good.

"First of all, calm the fuck down. You coming in to my house with your younger sister here. And what he did is something you should be asking him" Jason continued.

Damien scoffed, "Savanna, what the fuck did Cole do?" He asked, turning to look at me and completely ignoring Jason.

"Damien you're angry right now why don't we-" he was very quick to cut me off. "Cut the bullshit Savanna, we both know you ain't phased by Cole's comments because you know he be joking"

I was almost shocked by his words, I knew he was angry and I knew how he did have a bad temper and trust me, he has said worse things to our own mother out of anger, but this was just a little too far because he was basically saying he knew Cole flirted with me and he was cool with it.

"Listen to me Damien, you're angry at me, you ain't about to take it out on Savanna. You got a problem with me, talk to me about it" Jason interrupted.

"Your boy, fucked with me for too long now, I ain't said shit because of your sister looking out for you. Cole is a fuckboy, he be flirting with your sister and you ain't ever done shit about it. He's fucked with my property and my girl."

Jason took the words out of my mouth and spoke for me because he knew I didn't know what to say, especially when Damien was so angry, he wouldn't ever listen to me.

"Boys flirt, he thinks you're pretty, if you're insecure about it maybe you shouldn't be with my sister"

As soon as the words left Damiens mouth, Jason grabbed him by his collar and held him tightly in his grip.

"What did you say?" His voice remained deep and much more aggressive.

"Jason let go of him" I quickly said.

"Yeah Jason, listen to MY sister" Damien responded. He acted like he was the youngest sibling most of the time and this just proved how immature he was.

Jason aggressively pushed him away from his grip, stepping back. "You lucky you're family, otherwise you know what shit I'm capable off" Jason threatened glaring at Damien to which Damien scoffed at.

"I'm outta here. See you later, sis" He chuckled at the end making me roll my eyes at him as he left and finally out of the front door.

What an idiot.

I turned to face Jason who seemed to be angry still, which was understandable.

"I'm sorry Jase, he's just angry and he'll understand soon" I explained as I approached him, looking in to his eyes.

Something always had to ruin our special moments. When things were finally better between us, something always had to happen to put it on hold.

"I know that. Your brother makes fucking stupid decisions when he ain't thinking straight, which is most of the time" He commented making me laugh.

"He will come around" I muttered before I reached up on my tip toes, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Let's not let my brother ruin our morning," I paused as I looked down at his lips and back to his eyes as he licked his lips.

"Oh yeah? What you thinking?" He asked as his hands found their way around my waist.

I grinned leaning forwards before I pressed my lips against his. He smirked in to the kiss as he pushed me against him, close enough to feel his crotch in his boxers. I of course was not complaining but damn.

Our kiss was cut off by the doorbell and soon the loud voices of Jason's friends, "Open up Jasey! We coming to play!" Za yelled from outside of the door making Jason chuckle as I looked at him with sadness/annoyance at them interrupting us.

He pressed his lips against mine before clinging on to my bottom lip and grabbing my ass, two things that although he did a lot, always threw me off guard.

"Go get dressed" he said with amusement as he pulled back letting me slip out of his grip and as I walked away, I felt him slap my ass making me grin shaking my head at him as I headed upstairs and back to our room.

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