Chapter 41

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| Savanna |

Jason kept his hand in mine as he led me to his car. We had finally arrived in Canada and the cold air hit my skin however, I was not complaining as this was home for me.

One of Jason's very many cars was parked ahead of the other sports cars once the private jet had landed. The boys piled in to their cars before Jason and I sat in his and he didn't hesitate to zoom out, his engine revving loudly however I was so used to Jason's driving that this was normal for me.

"So which hospital is Eva staying at?" I asked as Jason concentrated on the road ahead of him.

He didn't reply and so I turned to look at him frowning, "She's at central" He responded very quickly. That meant she was half an hour drive from our house and so although it was quite a distance, I was positive Jason would not hesitate to take me to visit her. I needed to know if she was okay, and most of all, what happened once we were separated.

The rest of the journey was fairly quiet, Jason answered two calls and sometimes broke the comfortable silence to either say something to make me laugh or to ask if I was hungry- which he asked 5 times already.

After everything, I had truly lost my appetite to eat. I was not in as much pain as I was previously, I was healing and I could feel myself feeling better but I couldn't say I had stopped thinking about it. I couldn't say I didn't stop thinking about losing my baby. My change in mood would indicate I was either about to cry or that I was in no mood for jokes, and I hated that. I hated that Jason walked on eggs shells around me, as if I was a ticking time bomb ready to be set off at any given moment. I wanted him to feel comfortable and not worry about me, but it was so hard when I couldn't go a day without thinking about it.

Without reliving it in my mind.

"Baby" I must have zoned out as Jason rubbed my thigh softly with his hand, I looked out of the windshield to see I was not at our house, but I was at my original house, my momso house.

I looked at him in confusion, "I know you probably just want to be at home right now with me... and I promise you I will give you that, but your mom has been messaging me everyday now-"

I was quick to cut him off, "She knows?" Why would he tell my mom? Why wouldn't he just figure out a lie? What was going on.

"Damien told her"

Could he do anymore stupid things?

"Why would he do that? Jason, I can't face her right now. What am I even supposed to say to her?" I felt panic run through me as I looked up at my house, never did I ever think I'd be afraid to go inside.

Jason grabbed my hand making me look at him, "You don't have to worry about that. I've spoken to her. It took a lot to get her to hear me out but she is more concerned about seeing you than anything." He reassured.

How could he be there for me when he didn't know the entirety of my pain.

"Will you come in with me?"

"Of course I will princess, I got you, remember?" I slowly nodded as I turned to look at my house again, sighing deeply. Jason got out of the car and came over to my side where he opened my door and took my hand, helping me out.

The doctors could only do so much. My pain couldn't go away within seconds as much as I wished it would which meant Jason had to help me walk long distances because my body was so weak. My bruised ribs seemed to only ache more and more and my brain sometimes felt like it was going to explode because of the horrible migraines I was getting as a side affect to my medication. The very many, prescribed medications.

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