Prologue 1. Demons And Dragons 🖤Anne🖤

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Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide

Anne Shirley Cuthbert is a passionate Individual. The redheaded young woman who turned 19 in March is known for her fiery temper, her intelligence and her kind heart, but she is also known for her inferiority complexes.

Anne's interests are diverse. She loves reading, nature and writing. She used to write stories about princesses and knights in shining armor. Nowadays she writes poems. Poems about the joy, pain and finiteness of life.

If someone has to describe Anne they would say that she is the happiest and liveliest Person they know. Someone who only sees the good in the world and the good in others. Sad to say that she doesn't see the good in herself.

Anne hates her own looks. Her red hair in particular is a sore point for her. She calls it the bane of her existence. She wished she could be as beautiful as her best friend Diana Barry or as pretty as Josie Pye.

Bad events in her past makes it impossible for her to recognize her own beauty.


Her life wasn't the easiest before she was adopted by Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. The life before her adoption was a living hell. Until she was thirteen she lived in many foster homes, where she was treated miserably. Nobody wanted to take care of her, so she was sent to an orphanage. Her time there wasn't much better either.

Not everyone liked her lively behavior or her imagination. Anne was a talkative child who let her imagination run free whenever she could. The others in the orphanage couldn't deal with this behavior. So they decided to make Anne's life as terrible as possible.

She had to endure physical pain, but the psychological pain that was inflicted on her was even worse.

Physical pain disappears, psychological remains.

Words hurt more than anything. They burn your mind and won't let you go anytime soon.

And the words that Anne has heard are still haunting her. There are nights when she lies awake, just to avoid her fears in her dreams.

The demons have taken possession of her.

Back in the orphanage she was told that no one will ever be able to love her. Not for her looks, let alone for her talkative, slightly hyperactive behavior.

No one will ever be able to love a redheaded ugly orphan.

This sentence has got stuck in her head and nobody will be able to erase it. Nobody will ever notice her and love her for what she is. Nobody will ever see what's behind her surface.

Her life is much better since she was adopted, but her self-image and self-esteem are still battered.


The summer is coming and that means for Anne that it's time to go home. It's Summer break and Anne is on her way home back to Avonlea. She has spent the past year at the Queens Academy in Charlottetown, where she is studying.

During her school years at Avonlea High, she decided to become a teacher. Studying is not particularly easy, but Anne has mastered it very well so far.

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