Chapter 22. New Beginnings

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There's glitter on the floor after the party
Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby
Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor
You and me forevermore

Anne Shirley Cuthbert has lost something.

On Christmas Eve, she gave Gilbert Blythe something she had never given to anyone before.

Something that is fragile and has often broken into a thousand tiny pieces.

It was her heart that she gave away.

The heart that beats loudly and strongly in her chest, but has stopped beating many times. 

It stopped beating when it was hurt, when words attacked it, which manifested in her thoughts and built walls in her body and soul.

Walls that only he can tear down.

The painful experiences she had to go through not only built walls, but also put a veil over her eyes.

A veil that blocked her view for a long time, cast a shadow over her, which darkened her days, covered the sun and tried to destroy her.

It took a long time until her view became clearer and she began to appreciate her self-worth.

The veil, which blocked her view for so long, began to lift. 

He opened her eyes, causing her to learn to love herself, to accept herself for what she is and what she's not.

Only those who love themselves can give love to another person and give the most fragile what they have to someone else, in the hope that it will be held and protected, that it will be loved with every minute that passes. 

Anne Shirley Cuthbert has lost her heart.

She lost it to him.


Gilbert Blythe didn't spend the night in his bed.

He hasn't spent any night in his bed in the past five days.

Every night of the past few days he fell asleep to the sound and rhythm of her heart pounding loudly against her chest, to the beat that rises every time he is near her.

He fell asleep to the melody of her heart, the strands of which set the beat that plays the music of their love.

He fell asleep next to her.


On this winter day in late December, gentle sun rays made their way through the cold winter air. Sunbeams that sparkled the white blanket that lay over Avonlea like sparkling diamonds brightened the day. 

The sun's rays fell through the drawn curtains and woke a Gilbert Blythe who dreams in the night but has his dream come true next by his side.

Gilbert rubbed his eyes, not because of tiredness or because he had just woken up, but because Anne Shirley Cuthbert was lying next to him. 

Her arms were clasped tightly around his waist and her head rested on his chest, in which his heart increased the rhythm only because it knew that it was the anchor that had reached the harbor that it longed for all the time.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Gilbert woke Anne with a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Her hair was disheveled, the dark edges under her eyes clearly visible, and yet the sight of Anne Shirley Cuthbert in the early morning was the most beautiful sight for Gilbert ever.

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