Chapter 20. Fire And Ice

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Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips
We should just kiss like real people do

Diana Barry is exhausted.

The Christmas break has come, which should be a time for her to relax.

However, the behavior of two certain people makes it impossible for her to find peace in this actually contemplative time.

To open the eyes of one of the two, Diana made her way through the snowy streets of Avonlea.

Together with her boyfriend Jerry Baynard, who accompanied her as a moral support, she made her way to the home of a young man with curly dark hair.

It was time to open eyes so that hearts that are meant for each other can be brought together.

What Diana didn't know at the time, however, was that she wouldn't be the one to lift the veil from the eyes of her two friends in love. 

The time has come to clarify, to direct the view into a future that is supposed to lift a Veil.


After a ten-minute drive through the snow-covered streets of Avonlea, Diana and Jerry reached Gilbert and Bash's house. 

"My Trinidadian King"

Jerry ran to the front door in anticipation of his friend. He hadn't seen his friend Bash in three months. 

"My Trinidadian King, It's me, your skinny legend" he called eagerly as he rang the doorbell, knocking on the door.

"Open the door. I'm skinny and I'm about to freeze to death"

Diana, who was amused by her boyfriend, shook her head with a smile.

"Have patience Babe"

After a short wait the front door opened and revealed a grinning Bash.

"Ay ma skinny legend"

Jerry ran into Bash's arms and wrapped his arms around him "I missed you so much" he told him smiling.

Bash patted Jerry on the back "I missed you too, ma skinny legend."

Diana, who was getting cold, interrupted the two "I'm happy about your reunion, but I'm getting cold" she announced standing in the snow, rubbing her hands in the cold.

Jerry turned to his girlfriend and looked at her with an eyebrow raised.  "Babe, don't you see we're having a moment right now?" he asked, pointing at himself and his older friend.

Bash smiled and gave Jerry a pat on the back of the head "Let the lady in" he grinned with a toothy smile.

Jerry and Bash cleared the way for Diana to finally enter the warm house.

She took off her jacket and hung it on the cloakroom in the hallway "I hate winter" she said, while she took off her snow-covered shoes and put them on a mat to dry.

Bash looked out of the window. The snow had enveloped the surroundings in a white, cold blanket.

"Me too Diana, me too"

Bash has never been a friend of the cold winter in Avonlea. The only thing that keeps him warm in winter is the smile, the sweet kisses and the hugs of his little Delly.

"What leads you here?" Bash suddenly wanted to know.

Although he was happy the two were there, he was surprised to see them.

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