Chapter 31. Into The Unknown - Part I

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The tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be

Anne Shirley Cuthbert has made a decision for the rest of her life. 

On a mild summer evening in August two weeks ago, she threw away the key to her heart, certain that she wouldn't need it anymore.

She has the definite certainty that her shining heart, which emits strong, rhythmic waves, is docked where it belongs. 

It is docked in her safe haven, where the lighthouse is, which will always shine her way home.

In the darkest night, even if the foggy veil puts his hand over her eyes he will always lead her home.

Gilbert Blythe is the home of Anne Shirley Cuthbert. 

His arms are the doors that open and close to keep her in the safe foundation of his being, embraced in his endless love. 

His heart is the ground on which the house of security stands, there where the fire blazes that should keep her warm forever.

His eyes are the windows with which she wants to see the future, gazing side by side into the unknown, without fear and with beating hearts that have promised each other.


The glowing core hung over Green Gables, flickering in a bright yellow that laid its warmth over Avonlea and enveloped the small town in a balmy light. 

The sun was accompanied by a sky that shone in a light blue, framed by white clouds, soft and light as the feeling of mild summer. 

As the summer breeze swept through the air with a gentle ease, a visitor had arrived at Green Gables. 

Rachel Lynde had come to the farm for tea. Reason enough for Matthew to go to his favorite place... The barn.

So it was only Marilla and Anne who had to listen to Rachel bombarding both with questions about the engagement and a future wedding.

"Well, Anne," Rachel started, sitting in the kitchen staring at Anne, who had just poured some tea into her cup, "When's the big day?" 

Unlike on other days, it was not curiosity that prompted Rachel to ask this question, but the joy that the two people she always knew to belong together had finally dared to take the next step into a common future.

Anne's gaze wandered to her engagement ring, whose green stone glowed in the sun, as visible as the radiance in her ocean-blue eyes. 

The sparkle of the stone in the sun brought back the memory of the evening two weeks ago when Gilbert knelt in front of her, making her heart soar.

Her heart was floating in atmospheres that were unknown to her, which she never believed she could ever discover, as an untouched wish lying on the bottom of her heart in which her love for him resides.

As she sat there, looking at the symbol of a love that was always meant for one another, her heart and thoughts left the room. 

Her whole being drifted to him, who had his smooth fingertips clasped around her heart, lying gently on the softness of his palm, which was strong enough to hold her fragile heart forever in the grip of his love.

Smiling, she shook her head to come back to reality.

"We have only been engaged for two weeks, so we have no precise plans yet. I think we would like to focus on our careers first. We are still young and have all the time in the world to get married," Anne informed the family friend, still unable to properly realize that she was now an engaged young woman with a ring on her finger that was the symbol of a love that she only read about in her books.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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