Chapter 3. Sun Comes Up

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They don't realize that I'm thinking about you
It's nothing new, it's nothing new

Ruby Gillis had an idea. She wanted to spend some time with her friends and so she decided to have a picnic.

On the one hand to celebrate the start of the summer with them and on the other hand to continue with "the plan" . All she needed now was a suitable place for it. The place should offer one thing above all ... A romantic atmosphere. After thinking about where it could take place, it clicked in her head.

>The Apple Orchard of Gilbert Blythe<

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>The Apple Orchard of Gilbert Blythe<

Ruby didn't hesitate and wrote a text message to Gilbert

Hi Gilbert it's me, Ruby
I want to ask you something.
I thought it would be nice to
celebrate the beginning of
the summer break. I guess a
group picnic would be fun
Is there a possibility that we
could do a picnic in your
beautiful apple orchard?

Gilbert 💉💊
Oh hey Ruby,
I must say that your idea
is really good. I have to speak with Bash about this, but I think that there's no problem with it. Do you know when the picnic should take place?

Ah thank you Gilbert😊
I think within the next
two or three days. I have to ask
the others first.

I understand. I think it's best
when you make a group chat
for that. So we can discuss all
the details together.

Yeah that's a good idea
Thank you Gilbert
I will add you to the group chat

Gilbert 💉💊
No Problem Ruby


After she texted Gilbert, she created a new group chat.

🍎🍇🍉🍓Summer Picnic 🍎🍇🍉🍓

Anne🌻 added to the group chat
Gilbert💉💊 added to the group chat
Jerry🌾 added to the group chat
Diana💙 added to the group chat
Moody😒 added to the group chat
Charlie🤐added to the group chat
Jane🤯 added to the group chat
Cole🎨 added to the group chat
Josie💄 added to the group chat
Tillie🤑 added to the group chat

I read picnic 👀🍓🍒🥐🍞🤤
I'm here

😂 Okay I have an idea
that I want to share with
all of you. What do you think
about a summer picnic?
I've talked to Gilbert and asked
him if we could do it in his Apple

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