Prologue 2. Home 🖤Gilbert🖤

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I'm going home
Back to the place where I belong

Gilbert Blythe is the type of man women crave. Good looking, intelligent, charming and funny.

Gilbert had to go through a lot in life. He never met his mother. She died after giving birth to him. As he was a little kid he felt guilty. He thought it was his fault that she died. Fortunately, his father John Blythe took away the guilt that Gilbert felt.

Unfortunately he died of cancer three years ago. It was a difficult time for Gilbert that he probably wouldn't have survived without his friends, Bash and her.


He knows that there is a spot for him in her heart. Even if she can't show it. After his father's death Bash an old family friend has decided to move in with him. Bash met Mary, fell in love and married her. After the wedding, Mary quickly became pregnant.

Their daughter Delphine was born on a cold winter day in January. She immediately filled the cold winter air with warmth and light. She is like her mother.

The marriage may have been impulsive, but Bash loved Mary. He knew from the moment he saw her that she was the woman he was going to marry. He loved her...

... until death tore them apart. A year and a half after the wedding, Mary died of a brain tumor. She passed away on a beautiful spring day, surrounded by the people she loved. Mary was like a sister to Gilbert. She was compassionate and lovable. After his father's death she has filled his home with love and life again.

He will always remember the words that she said on her deathbed: "Be sure you marry for love. Only for love." And he will always remember her.

Mary, his sister from another mister.


Now Gilbert who turned 20 last October lives in Toronto where he is studying to become a doctor. His goal is to help people. To fight diseases that tear people apart. As much as he likes Toronto, nothing makes him feel like his home. He hasn't been home since his Highschool Graduation last summer. Sure, he had contact with Bash, but it's not the same as being home. He missed Bash, Delphine, his friends and a certain person who never left his mind. He can't wait to see his friends. He can't wait to see her.


Gilbert was always the popular guy. That's why he has a lot of friends. His closest friends include Charlie Sloane, Jerry Baynard, Cole Mackenzie and Moody Spurgeon. Of course, he's also friends with the girls. At least with most of them. The boys are like his brothers. They were there for him, when he needed them the most and for that he will be ever grateful.


Charlie Sloane is a shy guy. He is introverted and reserved, but you can always count on him. You can entrust everything to him without being judged. That's why Charlie is the only one who really knows who Gilbert's heart belongs to. The only one who heard it from Gilbert himself. There's only one problem. Charlie Sloane has broken his best friend's trust. Charlie shared Gilbert's secret with his girlfriend Jane Andrews. A secret that is actually not one.

Not for those who see the glimmer in Gilbert Blythe's eyes whenever he looks at Anne Shirley Cuthbert.


Jerry Baynard is a skinny legend. A bit strange but you don't want to miss him in your life. He is funny and caring and madly in love. In love with the one and only Diana Barry. Anne's bosom friend and kindred spirit. Jerry is like a brother to Anne and he adores her for her strength and kindness. He is also one of Gilbert Blythes best friends. Jerry knows both very well. He never understood why Anne and Gilbert were never more than classmates. He still doesn't understand it. They have so much in common and would make a great couple. Of course, Jerry Baynard knows of Gilbert Blythe's feelings for Anne. He's not blind. He just can't understand where Anne's aversion for Gilbert comes from. Deep down, he knows that Anne cares about Gilbert. That's why he made a decision. This summer, Jerry Baynard has decided to win one heart and unite two more.


Cole Mackenzie is on a mission. And this mission has only one goal. Bring together what belongs together. Cole loves art. He loves art in beauty as well as in fragility. Cole Mackenzie loves Anne Shirley Cuthbert but not in that way a certain young man with curly dark hair and hazel eyes does. Cole is gay and none other than Anne Shirley Cuthbert has helped him to accept it. She helped him to find himself. His Coming Out wasn't easy, but Anne was the first one who accepted him for what he is. A proud gay man. Gilbert has been friends with Cole since Highschool. And Cole knows very well that Anne has changed his life drastically. He loves both of them more than words could ever express and therefore it hurts him to see how awkward they act around each other whenever they are together.
Cole Mackenzie knows one thing for sure. He will no longer tolerate this behavior. All will changed. Unfortunately, he doesn't know which storm is coming.


Moody Spurgeon is clumsy. His clumsiness always creates new laughs. But he did something that nobody thought would be possible. Moody Spurgeon has won the heart of Ruby Gillis. They've been dating since prom. The most romantic girl in the world loves Moody Spurgeon and he loves her back. Sometimes he can't believe his luck. He would do anything to make her happy and so he decided to help his girlfriend. They would do anything to help one certain Redhead to realize her feelings. Feelings hidden behind a brick wall. A wall that only one person can tear down.



Friday 5th June 2020

Sloane Residence

This Friday the 5th, Charlie Sloane, Jerry Baynard, Cole Mackenzie and Moody Spurgeon have agreed to celebrate the start of their summer break. All four attend the Queens Academy in Charlottetown and have been back in Avonlea since two days ago.

Everyone had fun until Moody Spurgeon opened Instagram. A post by Gilbert Blythe. A post that should question everything. A confused Moody tried to get the attention of his friends and said "Guys have you seen Gilbert's Instagram post?"

Everyone got out their phones to see what Moody was talking about. "He is coming back. Isn't that a good thing?," asked, Charlie.

"Noooo Char that's not what I mean," replied Moody who was now thinking about his girlfriend and her potential reaction to Gilbert's post. Moody added, "Look he tagged someone in this."

Everyone had only one thought on their mind but only Jerry spoke it out loud "WHAT THE FUCK?"

Everyone had only one thought on their mind but only Jerry spoke it out loud "WHAT THE FUCK?"

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dr.blythe On my way back home

tagged the.rose

75 likes, 23 comments

charlieslo can't wait to
                     see you bro 👊

j.baywatch who's @the.rose????

rubysmoody cool 🙄 gtg
                         need handkerchiefs
                         for my baby🤧


Gilbert Blythe is on his way back home. Only 3 hours and he will be in Avonlea. Avonlea the place where he has the best but also the worst memories. A place with light and shadow. A place filled with love and heartbreak. A place called home.

The problem is he isn't alone...

A/N:Tell me what you think so far

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