Chapter. 24 Roses And Thorns

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When we fight, we fight like lions
But then we love and feel the truth
We lose our minds in a city of roses
We won't abide by any rules

Anne Shirley Cuthbert misses him.

The college started over four weeks ago and all that brought Anne and Gilbert together during that time was text messages and calls.

Anne misses looking into his eyes, seeing a smile put on his lips as soon as his eyes collide with hers. 

She misses the rhythm of his heart, which increases its beat every time he feels that she is nearby.

The heart whose key she carries and whose rhythm calms her down every time, like the waves of an ocean crashing into rocks, is what she craves for.

She misses his lips, the touch of which each time ignites the torches in her heart and creates a wildfire that could not shine brighter.

A wildfire in a wild heart that can only be ignited by him.

Gilbert Blythe holds the matches in his hands that ignite the wildfire in her burning heart, its sparks rising in the air, enveloping his heart like the warmest ray of the sun.

A wildfire in a heart that feels lonely, lonely because the other half is not with her.

The feeling of loneliness is something that everyone will experience in their lives.

Anne feels lonely because the person who holds her heart in his hand, the heart that he showered with overwhelming love every day from a distance, is not with her.

With each passing day in the past four weeks, Anne felt more lonely. 

Sure, she had all her other friends around her, but her second half was missing, the person who is her safe haven, with whom she feels safer than with any other person before.

But other people can feel lonely too, lonely because they long for something that others have.


Tillie Boulter feels lonely. Each of her friends is in a relationship and this makes her feel a touch of loneliness.

Of course, she is happy for her friends and wishes everyone the best of luck, but the longing for a relationship has been growing in her lately.

Now that Valentine's Day was approaching, the feeling of loneliness came over her more and more.

Seeing what love their friends have towards their partners, how they miss them when they are not together, and the feelings that the feeling of being loved sparked in them intensifies her craving to want to fall in love as well.

Tillie didn't want to spend Valentine's Day alone, so she made her way to Diana's and Anne's room to find out what they had planned for that day.


"Hey Bitches" she greeted her two friends in her typical way after Diana opened the door for her. "That was at your door" she let them know as she threw herself on Diana's bed, holding a red rose in her hand.

"Another one?" Anne asked curiously.

For the past few days there had been a red rose outside the door every day, which included a small note.

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