Chapter 21. Christmas Wishes & Misteltoe Kisses

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And when your eyes catch mine, I know I talk too much
So give me your two lips and baby, I'll shut up

Sebastian Lacroix is ​​annoyed.

He's been through a lot in the last few days because Gilbert Blythe is like a whole new person.

Bash is annoyed by Gilbert's cheerfulness.

Since the evening of last week, when Gilbert revealed his feelings in the snow under the moonlight surrounded by thousands of stars, when he made himself vulnerable like never before in his life and finally released all the feelings that were trapped in the cage, which one is his heart, everything has changed.

He is happier, happier than ever.

Gilbert's happiness annoys Bash, because Gilbert doesn't miss an opportunity to rub his luck under the nose of his older friend.

Bash was happy for Gilbert, that was out of the question, but to see and hear how Gilbert was constantly humming love songs and dreamily walking through the house annoyed him.

"Blythe! Could ya stop that?" 

Bash had just woken up and sat with Delly at the breakfast table when Gilbert was already humming by the stove, making scrambled eggs with bacon.

Grinning, Gilbert sat down at the table like a love-stupid idiot. 

"What should I stop with?" he asked curiously, not knowing why Bash reacted so annoyed, too much with his thoughts on a certain redhead who deprived him of the ability to think but gave him the ability to feel even more.

"This" said Bash with a fork pointing to Gilbert's face, which showed a smile that looked like it was stuck and no longer possible to remove. 

"I get it, ya're in love, but do ya have to show it like that?" he rolled his eyes.

Gilbert smiled, the evening Anne stood in front of him in her red dress, the expectation to feel her lips on his and every heartbeat noticeable in his heart that should officially belong to her was once again visible in his mind. 

"What should I do? I'm in love" Gilbert smiled shrugging his shoulders, shoveling a fork with scrambled eggs in his mouth.

Bash rolled his eyes again and took a fork from the scrambled eggs as well.

"Eww" he spat out the scrambled eggs and got up from his chair. 

"Blythe, ya idiot, ya're so in love that ya put sugar instead of salt on the scrambled eggs"

He gave Gilbert a slap on the back of the head. "Love drunk fool" he shook his head annoyingly.

Gilbert hummed Fall On Me by A Great Big World and dreamily ate the sweetened scrambled eggs "I don't care what you say, I'm in love and if it were up to me I would scream it from the rooftops of the world" he told Bash and took another bite from the eggs.

Bash's opinion didn't interest him, because the feelings that flooded his heart, feelings that he had never felt as real as after all the kisses that were exchanged that December night that was so cold yet so warm, the kisses that burned his heart and lips were just too intense, too beautiful to not let them out.

Gilbert was tired of Bash's teasing and had the idea of ​​escaping him.

"Come on Delly, we're building a snowman"

Gilbert got up, took Delly in his arms, and went to her room to put on warm clothes for her. Afterward he walked to his room, put on a warm sweater and his red and black checked flannel jacket, and walked outside with the little girl.

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