Chapter 19. Lost And Found

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Why'd you have to wait
to find me?

Gilbert Blythe has confessed his love.

His confession, which was not a real confession, but the expression of what he was feeling at the moment, brought up many questions, the answers of which must be found.

After confessing his love to Anne while she fell asleep on his chest, he wonders if it was possible that she could have heard the three words that had been on his lips for so long.

Once spending what was probably the most beautiful day of his life so far with Anne, questions came over him that he couldn't get rid of.

He asked himself if Anne had felt all the feelings he felt.

If she felt the electricity between them that built up so much tension that they almost kissed.

His question was whether she was just as frustrated that a power cut had prevented her first real kiss like he was.

The question of whether Anne felt his heart about to explode, with every smile and every gentle kiss from her, with every kiss that touched his face everywhere but not on his lips, consumed every one of his thoughts.

He wondered if she could feel his heart beating uncontrollably and losing its rhythm, or if she could hear his heart rate increase as she lay on his chest and fell asleep.

Gilbert Blythe was lost in the craving to find answers to all of his questions.

There are many things you can lose.

You can lose objects or feelings that you once had for someone.

Sometimes life takes away people whose loss causes you to fall into the bottomless. 

However, there is one thing to lose that is the worst thing to lose. 

And this is hope.

Things can get lost and only fate can decide whether they can be found again.



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dr.blythe Sleeping Beauty ❤️

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Anne Shirley Cuthbert has dreams.

She dreams of becoming a good teacher who can impart not only academic knowledge to her students, but also knowledge for their lives.

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