Chapter 18. November Rain

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These hearts adore,
Every other beat the other one beats for
Inside this place is warm
Outside it starts to pour

Anne Shirley Cuthbert is happy.

She is happy but nervous about what a particular person has to say the next time they see each other.

Her thoughts have been in Toronto for the past few weeks. They were painful thoughts and feelings, feelings that could be felt from head to toe, and the extent of which had left visible and invisible scars.

Scars that remain.

Her thoughts were in Toronto without knowing that the one about she was thinking had been in Charlottetown all the time.

Sometimes pain can only be alleviated from the cause of it, and in Anne Shirley Cuthbert's case, it's a curly dark-haired young man who knows nothing about being the center of her thoughts.

He is the medicine for her pain, for the physical and psychological pain that she had to feel in the past few weeks.

After all the pain she has felt in the last almost two months, she's finally feeling better and only one person is responsible for it.

Everything she feels, she feels because of him.


Gilbert Blythe is something special.

He's Anne Shirley Cuthbert's pain killer, her medicine, and the only person able to make her feel better.

At the same time, however, he's also the one who can bring forth the worst pain in her, the one who doesn't let her sleep or eat.

He's the one who takes her breath away, the one who makes her heart ache.

Gilbert Blythe is the cause and the antidote to all the pain she feels with every fiber of her body.

He's the reason for the feelings that she feels with everything she has.

After the fear he felt when he saw Anne covered in blood in Doctor Ward's doctor's office, the worry about sewing up her bleeding wound and the relief when Anne opened her eyes after he placed a feather-light kiss on her forehead brought him to a realization.

It's time for confessions.

It was time to reveal cherished feelings in the hope that they would be returned, so Gilbert decided to get advice from his best friends.


Moody😒 has left the chat

Bash👑 added to the group chat
Moody😒 added to the group chat

Blythe, I don't want
to be a Rat🙆🏾‍♂️

I completely forgot that
this chat still exists🤷🏻‍♂️

Oh I deleted all chats
except the Operation Shirbert
group chat

Guys, I need your advice

@Moody What's the
Operation Shirbert group
chat and why am I not in it?🤔

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