Chapter 23. Missing You

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My heart's been leaking so much
The love that you gave, it was more than enough
I'm afraid to send you on your way
'Cause nothing bout me feels the same, feels the same

Gilbert Blythe hates the month of January.

This January in particular is a month that Gilbert would love to skip.

It is the month that reminds him of saying goodbye to his father, who died five years ago, and it is also the month when he has to say goodbye to the person who has the key to his heart.

January is usually a month in which you collect your thoughts and try to implement the resolutions you have set for the new year.

Gilbert Blythe has only one resolution for the new year. 

He wants to write a story about love.

Pages are to be written that should result in a story with her and him in the main roles. 

A love story that is just beginning and whose plot only includes them.

Pages are to be filled with feelings that are sometimes incomprehensible, whose emotions are overwhelming and whose intensity floods hearts.

Hearts, where one can drown like in an ocean filled with love instead of water.

Gilbert Blythe needs an ocean filled with love, the waves of which reach his heart and let it pound gently against his chest. 

A flood of sadness is on the way, which wants to flood him and which can only be stopped by her.


Anne Shirley Cuthbert is concerned.

The new year is already a week old and with each passing day a dark cloud lay over Gilbert. 

A dark cloud that grew darker by the day. 

A shadow fell over him that darkened everything around him, silenced his surroundings, and obscured his view.

The clear view was taken from the grief that hung over him and flooded his eyes with tears in which he was about to drown. 

A cloud of mourning hung over him as it was the fifth anniversary of his beloved father's death.

In the past few days Gilbert has distanced himself more and more from his friends, Bash and also from Anne. 

January 8th is a day that Gilbert remembers as the worst day of his life, the day he was taken away from his father. 

It is the day that has left a void in his heart that will remain free forever and will never be filled again.

The pain that made its way to Gilbert wasn't hidden from Anne. 

For the past few days, Gilbert has been trying to make the surroundings around him disappear, to bathe alone in the grief and in the tears that the pain that came in waves caused.

He wanted to be alone, not because he didn't want to show his weakness, but because the pain was too strong, too overwhelming to share with anyone else.

Anne couldn't stand to see Gilbert move away from her and his outside world more and more with each day that came closer to January 8th.

All she wanted was to be there for him, to experience every pain with him, to be his shoulder to cry on, to offer him an open ear in which to cry out his pain. 

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