Chapter 28. Forget Me Not

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I'm still in love
Of when we met
With heaviest hearts
We were a silhouette

Anne Shirley Cuthbert has lost her memory. She lost the memory of her time with him

After removing her colloid cyst and the induced coma, everything has changed. Anne woke up from an induced coma 35 days ago and since that day nothing has been the same. 

It took a lot of research to make a final diagnosis. The questioning of Anne and the people close to her, as well as blood tests and another computer tomography brought the certainty.

Anne was diagnosed with retrograde amnesia, causing her to have trouble remembering past events and previously familiar information. 

In her case, she cannot remember the events of the entire past year. She can't remember the year she discovered her love for him.

After Anne woke up from the induced coma it took her some time to orient herself and her memories, which were wildly shuffled in her head like cards from a memory game, which had to be put back together. 

It took a few days for her to recognize Marilla, Matthew, and Gilbert, and for her memories to associate people with events in her life. 

Marilla and Matthew were relieved when Anne recognized them and above all felt the relationship she had with the siblings. 

For Gilbert Blythe, however, everything fell apart. 

His heart got lost in a nightmare crying out for her, but no cry was heard. 

His screams were ricochets that struck Anne, but came back like a boomerang that turned into an arrow on the way to his heart, each time covering it with a pain that felt worse than the feeling of fear that he felt when she was comatose.

Anne Shirley Cuthbert cannot remember her love for Gilbert Blythe. She doesn't remember that their souls and hearts collided in the cold of a December night like two glowing meteorites, the nuclei of which burn only for one another.

Her eyes have lost the shine that was awakened by his love in them. Her face has lost the smile that was ignited by the fire that burned in her heart for him.

Her nose has forgotten how it was tickled by the smell of apples and honey every time. 

Her episodic memory has erased the love she felt for Gilbert Blythe, which he reciprocated every second, be it with her or in thought, with everything he had to give.

Like the petals of a forget-me-not that nothing more desires than to be remembered, Gilbert Blythe's heart fell apart and wondered if it is really possible that a heart can forget all the love it once bore.

In a field full of wildflowers, he was the forget-me-not, who wanted nothing more than his place back next to the daisy. 

He wanted to bathe with her again in the light of the sun to grow, rooted in the core of their hearts, where the love for each other flourished.

In the field full of wildflowers, Anne was the daisy that had lost some petals. 

Whether this will grow back or whether it will remain a daisy forever that misses petals that told the story of a blossoming love can only be said by time. 

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