Chapter 4. Daydreams And Ice Creams

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I still remember
How you looked that afternoon
There was only you

Jerry Baynard is madly in love. In love with Diana Barry. But there is a problem. Diana doesn't know about his feelings for her. In the last past days, he thought a lot about it and so he has made up his mind and decided to change that. On this beautiful summer morning he gathered all his courage and sent her a text message.

Hi Di, I wanted to ask
you something.
Would you like to have
ice cream with me? 👉👈

Jerry waited 30 minutes until he received a new text message

Who's there?

It's me Jerry
Didn't you save
my number? 😔

I'm kidding Jer🤭
I would like to have
ice cream with you


Yes Jerry
Would you mind if I
bring someone with me?

Depends on whom

Anne! You can ask Gilbert
if he wants to come with us

Diana Barry you're
a genius💡I will ask him

Great. Text me
if you know

I will!
So it's a date?

It's a date 😊


After texting Diana, Jerry dialed Gilbert's number. It took Gilbert, who was woken up by Jerry's call a moment to answer it.

"Jerry what do you want in the early morning?," Gilbert asked with a sleepy voice.

"Good morning to you too Gilbert," Jerry replied and chuckled. Gilbert groaned, while Jerry continued speaking. "I wanted to ask you if you would like to have ice cream with us?"

"Us?" Gilbert asked curiously as he stretched his arms into the air, yawning.

"With Diana, Anne and I," Jerry answered, who was getting impatient.

"Oh," was all that escaped from Gilbert's lips. He thought a moment about it and then said "Okay I'm in. Do you already know when that should be?"

Jerry who tried to hide the excitement in his voice answered his friend, "Not yet, but I'll let you know."

Gilbert got up from his bed and went to the window. The sun was shining brightly and that reminded him of Anne.

"Gilbert are you still there?" Jerry asked Gilbert, who was snapped out of his thoughts by that. "Uh of course. Call or text me when you know more."

"I will," Jerry let him know and ended the phone call.


Jerry, Diana, Anne and Gilbert agreed to have ice cream in the late afternoon. It was the first time that Gilbert and Anne would do something as friends and that made him extremely nervous. Gilbert was standing in front of the mirror in his room, trying on the fourth shirt in a row. He couldn't choose one of the shirts and went into the living room where Bash was playing with Delly.

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