Chapter 1. The Army - In The Name Of Love

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Dark times, you could always find the bright side
I'm amazed by the things that you would sacrifice
Just to be there for me

Anne Shirley Cuthbert and her friends reached Avonlea in the late afternoon of June 5th. Matthew Cuthbert has agreed to pick up the young women from the train station, but he was nowhere to be seen. The fact that Matthew wasn't there made Anne nervous, because Matthew Cuthbert is never late.

There was a feeling in her stomach that she knew only too well. Anxiety. Diana Barry who could see the fear in her best friends eyes guided her friend group to a nearby coffee shop that was located at the train station.

"Anne calm down", Diana tried to comfort her. "I bet he will be here soon", she said with a light smile on her face.

"But Diana what if something bad happened? That isn't typical for him", Anne responded with a worried look on her face. Then she got a text message...


Marilla☕ Have you already arrived in Avonlea?

Anne 🌻
Yes Marilla. We are waiting for
Matthew. Please say that
everything is alright with him

Marilla☕ Oh Anne didn't he contact you?

No Marilla! I'm worried sick.

Marilla☕ Typical Matthew...😡Don't worry my dear. He will be there soon. He forgot that he has to attend a doctor's appointment. Have patience!

Thx for texting me Mar. If you hadn't done it I probably would've had a heart attack

Marilla☕ You're so dramatic, Anne
I have to go my dear.

K! Can't wait to see you❤️

And with that her mood switched immediately. Ruby was the first to register this. "Anne what's up? Is Matthew okay?".

Anne smiled and looked up to her blonde friend "Matthew is fine. He will be here soon."

Now Anne knows that Matthew was fine but why does she have this weird feeling in her stomach? She shrugged this thought off and continued to talk to her friends.


One and a half-hour later

Matthew called Anne half an hour ago. He apologized for the delay and asked her for a little more Patience. They've tried to reach someone else who could pick them up but no one was able to do it. The girls became more and more bored and decided to look out for the arriving trains. A train from Toronto should arrive soon. Tillie and Josie, who haven't yet told their friends about the Instagram post, knew exactly what that means.

Gilbert Blythe is coming home.


Gilbert Blythe is back. Back in Avonlea. Back in the city that held so many memories, but he is not alone.
He has a pretty young woman with blonde curly hair by his side. A very elegant young lady.

The first thing Gilbert noticed after getting off the train was the typical smell of the Avonlea air. The air in Avonlea is different compared to that in Toronto. It is clearer and just feels better. It feels more like home.

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