Chapter 29. Till We Collide

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Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find
You and I collide

Gilbert Blythe is hopeless.

All his hope that Anne would remember him, his love for her, and above all her love for him burst like a bubble and left an emptiness in his heart, as well as a sea of ​​tears in which his hope drowned, at least that's what he believed. 

Since returning to Toronto, Gilbert has isolated himself from the outside world. His phone was turned off so as not to be distracted from studying, assuming that Anne wouldn't contact him anyway, paying all his attention to his exams.

For the past few weeks, he's been trying to focus on writing the exams he missed due to Anne's disease, but all his thoughts were on one question.

-"Will you remember me?"-

He wondered if she would ever remember the love buried deep in her heart. 

What he didn't know and couldn't know was that all the gaps in her heart's chambers were filled with memories.

All the memories that painted in the most colorful colors an artwork of love that was hidden in the treasure chest for a time were found again.

The treasure chest, in which all memories of him and Anne's love for him were kept, hidden deep in the dark by the moonlight, had rediscovered the light of the day.

The sun lay over Anne, whose rays made every particle of love reflect in the day, searching for the moon, which envelops her darkest days in the warmest lights. 

The daylight made her see everything, all the colors of love in the brightest contours, every picture that hung in the museum of her heart was recognizable to her again.

Gilbert Blythe, however, was clueless.

He stayed in the dark, where the only light that shone was the glow of the moon, knowing that if the stars were right, he could collide with the sun again, hoping for a total eclipse of their hearts that merge into one.

The only light of hope that was still shining was the core of the moon, which craved for the sun of its life.

He craved for her.


Anne Shirley Cuthbert is in the depths of despair. 

In the past three weeks, she has done everything possible to reach Gilbert in Toronto. She tried to call him, reach him on social media, and even wrote him a letter, but every attempt failed and remained unanswered.

She's been hiding behind the walls of Green Gables for the past few weeks, sheltered under her duvet, where she cried tears for fear that he would have given her up, for fear that he would have given up their mutual love. 

She thought Gilbert would get in touch as soon as he received one of her many messages and the feeling that he didn't care that she had finally found her memories, wrapped her bones into a pain that weakened her legs, stealing all the strength,  that kept her upright.

Like every day in the past few weeks, Anne was crying in bed when Marilla called from the kitchen. 

"Anne come to the kitchen. You have a visitor," Marilla yelled, hoping that a reaction would come back. 

It stayed silent. 

Anne's sobs and the heavy duvet over her head silenced Marilla's calls and so she didn't notice that Marilla was on her way to her room.

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