Chapter 2. The Shadow

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Hate myself so fucking much
I'm out of touch

Marilla Cuthbert is worried. Anne has been home for two days now and since then she has barely spoken. Anne looks absent and that worries Marilla a lot. Marilla tried to contact Diana, to asked her to look out for Anne. Diana appeared to be a good choice. She knows Anne and her phases very well. Maybe she will get Anne out of bed, thought Marilla. So Marilla called Diana and asked her to come to Green Gables.


Diana Barry reached Green Gables 15 minutes ago. Marilla briefly informed her about Anne's condition. After that she made her way upstairs and knocked at Anne's bedroom door.

"Please go away Marilla, I don't want to talk", an agonized voice was heard. Diana opened the door and walked into the room.

"I'm not Marilla and I'm not going anywhere before you've talked to me", she announced while she was looking around Anne's room.

The room was dark, the curtains drawn. There were clothes and crumpled papers all over the floor. Anne looked like a mess. Her hair was loose and untidy. Diana registered the dark edges under her best friends eyes. Overall, Anne looked like a shadow of her own. She was in the depths of despair.

With a puzzled face expression Anne looked up to her bosom friend. "Oh uhm Diana. What are you doing here?", she asked.

"Marilla called me. She is worried about you", replied Diana as she approached Anne.

She sat down at the end of the bed and took a deep breath "Anne please hear me out. I'm worried about you, we all are. Lately you're not yourself and that worries me. I miss the old Anne who shines with joy when she walks through the meadows. Anne, who loves the touch of the wind and every ray of sunshine. I miss you Anne and I want to help you so badly. Please let me, no let us be there for you. You are so loved by so many people. I beg you Anne. Let us help you, let us love you."Diana was close to tears. She couldn't handle it anymore.

Anne listened closely to that what Diana has said. Her best friends words hit her deep. The Redhead felt a sharp pain that went right through her heart. The heart that hasn't felt anything for some time. Tears rolled down her face. She tried to calm herself down, wiped her tears away and began to speak.

"Di, I am so sorry that I am causing you so many worries. It's been too much for me lately", Anne paused for a moment then continued speaking "I know that I can always rely on you and the others. Sometimes I just feel lonely and empty. We are getting older and I'm afraid of the future. What if I become a bad teacher? Or what if I lose you and the other girls. At some point all of you will marry someone and I will be alone", she sighed.

It took Diana a little moment to comprehend Anne's words. She gave Anne a heartwarming smile and said,

"Anne look at me". Anne looked her in the eyes, while Diana was mentally preparing for her following words

"First of all. I know that life can be hard but I thought that we would go through it together. Together through thick and thin, through all highs and lows. She paused...I'm here for you. I will always listen to you and try to be the friend that you deserve. Never doubt yourself. You will be a wonderful teacher. I'm sure of that. Even if I, or the other girls will ever get married, you will always be a part of our lives. Of my life for sure. And last of all, you will not be alone. You will find someone Anne. Someone who will love you for all that you are. You're great and beautiful Anne. From the inside and outside. I wished you could see it Anne. I wished you could see your inner and outer beauty", declared Diana as she gasped for air.

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