Chapter 13. Wounds

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I don't know how much more love this, heart can lose
And I'm dying, dying from these exit wounds

Matthew Cuthbert has a big heart, but it is weak.

Matthew has had heart problems for years. The hard work on the farm and his age has left its mark.

Some things are just too much for a heart to handle. At some point they flood a heart and break it like a wave crashing into a rock.

Like a wave breaking apart because the resistance is too big.

Throughout the years, the heart of Matthew Cuthbert has experienced a lot of pain, but the pain that has now happened to it can't be compared to any previously felt pain.

Matthew Cuthbert had a heart attack and only fate can decide whether he will survive it or not.


Anne Shirley Cuthbert was on her bike back to Green Gables when her phone rang. She answered the call with her Bluetooth headphones to continue her drive back home.

"Hello?" she asked the person on the other end of the phone.

Sobbing noises were heard. The person must be crying, Anne thought

"Anne, dear"

A reaction finally came.

"Oh Marilla, what's wrong? What happened" asked Anne who was getting worried.

Marilla's sobs grew stronger.

"It's Matthew" she told Anne with a cracking voice.

The pain and fear in Marilla's voice was noticeable.

Anne stopped her bike ride. She took her bike and sat on the side of the road to continue the call with Marilla.

"Marilla! What about Matthew?" Anne wanted to know.

Matthew has often struggled with his heart in recent years, of course Anne knew that too.

Marilla's crying grew heavier and her voice weaker.

"He's, he's in the hospital" stuttered Marilla between sobs.

"He had a heart attack" she added crying.

Marilla's words dropped Anne's heart to the ground. First tears filled her ocean blue eyes.

Anne didn't want to believe what Marilla told her. Her heart and mind didn't want to admit that the person she loves most is confronted with such pain.

"No Marilla, that can't be. Tell me it's not true."

Marilla on the other end of the phone let out a deep breath.

"Anne you have to come"

Anne tried to comprehend what she just heard, but how can you understand something that takes your voice away?

Anne was in a state of shock that flooded her mind.

There was silence for several minutes and Marilla started to worry about

"Anne are you still there?"

Anne remained silent, only her heavy breathing showed Marilla that her daughter was still on the phone.

"You have to come" pleaded Marilla again.

The pain that littered her body made its way to be let out and so Anne started to cry uncontrollably.

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