Chapter 11. Wedding Bells And Shooting Stars

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I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, ooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you

Jane Andrews and her family are excited. Prissy Andrews, the eldest Andrews child, got engaged six months ago to her boyfriend and fellow student Evan Hanson.

Evan Hanson is the son of a wealthy Charlottetown family. He is educated, handsome and ambitious. But most importantly, he supports Prissy in making her dreams come true.

Prissy's greatest wish is to take over Andrews Inc.

The business her grandfather built.

Since childhood, she has dreamed of nothing other than taking over the family business in the future. For this reason, she started studying at the Queens Academy in Charlottetown two years ago, where she studied business management and met her fiancé Evan Hanson.

After a scandalous relationship with her former teacher Mr.Phillips, Prissy has finally found the right man. A man who is lovable, considerate and supportive.

A man who is no comparison to the disrespectful and inhumane Mr. Phillips.

Evan Hanson is a man to marry and all of Avonlea should witness how two hearts become one...


To make sure that all of her friends received the invitations for Prissy's wedding, Jane decided to have a group chat with them.

✨💍A Sky Full Of Stars💍✨

Charlie🤐       added to the group chat
Anne🌻           added to the group chat
Gilbert💊       added to the group chat
Diana💙         added to the group chat
Jerry🌾           added to the group chat
Ruby💘           added to the group chat
Moody😒       added to the group chat
Tillie🤑          added to the group chat
Josie💄           added to the group chat
Amadeus🖼️  added to the group chat
Cole🎭           added to the group chat

Hi Guys!
I wanted to make
sure that each
of you received
the invitation to
Prissy's wedding!

Everyone who received it,
please send one ✔️










Oh sorry my
fat finger 😁




Evans Family is loaded,
so each of you can bring
a plus one with you

@Diana Would you
do me the honor and
accompany me to
the wedding?

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