Saving Harry

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I feel like being nice so I'll give you guys two updates haha.

(Y/n) P.O.V

The whole ride back to Weasley's was full of chatter, but we had to be quite when we got there we all jumped out of the car and made our way inside, I was used to seeing magic being used but I guess Harry wasn't he was fascinated over dishes cleaning by themselves and blankets being knitted. I giggled a bit at he just rolled his eyes at me with a smile.

"It's not much, but it's home" Ron smiled at us "I think it's brilliant." Harry said. Ron then turned to me "you probably think it's shabby huh, cause you know... your rich." I smiled at Ron "Well you know something Ron it's nice getting away from the rich life once in awhile, your place is very different from mine that's what I like about it even more" I noticed even Fred and Gorge were smiling as well.

That's when we saw Mrs. Weasley come into the kitchen looking quite angry. "Where have you been!?" She snapped, "Oh (Y/n), Harry. How wonderful it is to meet you two." She had a really sweet smile on that can just warm almost any cold heart.

She then snapped her head back to her son's. "Beds empty! No note! You could've died! You could have been seen!" She looked back at Harry and I with that same sweet smile. "Of course I don't blame you dears. Don't you live with your adoptive parents dear?" She asked me. "Yes I do madam, I was the one to tell Ron about Harry, I'm very sorry I had no idea Ron would come save Harry. He kinda just showed up at mine in a car." She looked at me smiling and nodding.

"You dragged poor (Y/n) into this! And too your fathers car!" She is one scary mother. "They we're starving him mum, they put bats on his window, and only (Y/n) knew where he was." Ron tried to explain. "Well you best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley." Once she finished she turned back to Harry and I "Come on dears, time for a spot of breakfast." I noticed Rons eyes were wide open due to fear, she is quite scary anyone would look like that too Ron.

We sat down at their table while Mrs. Weasley served us breakfast. Then I heard footsteps coming down their stairs, it was the Weasley's daughter. "Mummy, have you seen my jumper?" She asked not noticing Harry and I. "Yes dear it was on the cat." Mrs. Weasley answered her.

"Hello there." I smiled at her, she looked at me and smiled back "Hello, I'm Ginny!" She sounds as happy as her mother. "(Y/n) Potter." She looked stunned "Does that mean.."

Harry piped up from beside me "Hello." He smiled, Ginny stood there frozen her smile dropping. She slowly started stepping back then rushed up stairs I couldn't help but laugh, she made it so obvious.

"What did I do?" Harry asked us, I giggled. "Ginny. Been talking about you all summer. Dead annoying, really." Ron said. "Oi brother. I think you got an admirer." I smirked "Morning Weasley's." Mr Weasley beamed. "Morning dad." They all chanted.

He came inside and kissed Mrs. Weasley "what a night! Nine raids!" Harry looked at me "raids?" But then Ron interrupted me. "Dad works at the Ministry of Magic. In the misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. Dad loves Muggles, thinks they're fascinating."

"And who may you two be?" Mr Weasley asked Harry and I, "I'm (Y/n) Potter sir this is my brother Harry Potter."

"Good lord, are you really?" He was surprised to meet us, I guess Rons already told them about Harry having a sister. "Well Rons told us all about you two, might I say finding out Harry has a twin sister was quite the shock, you look exactly how Ron described you as well." Mr Weasley smile, I smiled while looking confused.

"How did he describe me, if you don't mind me asking?" He shook his head and smiled "I don't mind dear. Well to start with Ron did say you had the most prettiest (h/c) in the whole of Hogwarts. (E/c) Eyes that sparkle like the stars, he said you were a goddess sent from above." I laughed a little "thank you Ron your too kind." He looked like he was about to have steam come out of his head by how red it was.

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