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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Harry and I were lead inside a room where the minister, Cornelius Fudge, was in. He started talking clearly I wasn't paying attention to him my mind was wandering.... to other things. "So that's that, no harm done." He finally finished "Minister... I don't understand. We broke the law. Underage witches and wizards aren't allowed to use magic at home." Harry stated.

"Except it wasn't magic by wand... non registered magic can't get you in trouble." I whispered not really caring in anyone heard but sadly no one did cause I'm always ignored... well Draco doesn't ignore me, I smiled at the thought of that.

"The ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts! On the other hand... running away like that... given the state of things.. very, very irresponsible."

"The state of things sir?" I questioned him. "We have a killer on the loose." He said "Sirius Black, you mean. But... what's that got to do with us?" I asked "Hm? Oh, nothing. You two are safe, that's what matters. Tomorrow you'll be on your way to Hogwarts. These are your new schoolbooks. I took the liberty of having them brought to you." Yeah cool.

Harry and I left the room with out belongings and made our way to the room we'll share which we both decided that it was best to get some sleep. It was now morning and I woke up earlier than Harry did, this guy can really sleep I stood up a shook him awake "Come on Harry you've slept long enough." I say as I walk away while Harry sits up.

I turned around so Harry could get changed then we got out bags and went down stairs, we could hear people as we got closer... bickering.. if that's Ron and Hermione... yep I was correct like always. "I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy."

"He's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature." Hermione snapped back "A cat! Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me." Uhh maybe we should break this up "That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush." Oooh burn, no stop I need to break it up.

Hmm should I do it in a sweet or sour way.... or both "Oi!" I shouted which got their attention "Stop bickering like an old couple it's annoying. Now you idiots please take to consideration that you're not the only people here also be glad that I wasn't still asleep." I say with a scary smile. "(Y/n)!" Hermione beamed whist running over and engulfing me in a hug, Ron on the other hand..... looks like his soul left his body.

"Egypt? What's it like?" Harry asked Ron "Brilliant! It's got loads of old stuff like mummies, tombs. Even scabbers enjoyed himself." That's when Hermione continued the fight "you know they worship cats." She sassily stated. "Yeah along with a dung beetle." That's when Fred and George interrupted them thankfully.

Mrs and Mr Weasley came up to us "Harry, (Y/n)!" She said as she hugged us "it's good to see you both." She smiled us, Harry and I said "it's good to see you too." At the same time. "Now have you got everything you need" I nodded my head while Harry said yep "have you got all of your books?" This time I replied "indeed we do, it's all upstairs." I smiled.

"And all of your clothes?" She continued to ask "Everything is here." We both said "good." She replied as she gave little taps to our cheeks. "Harry and (Y/n) Potter." Mr Weasley said "Mr Weasley." Harry replied back as they shook hands and I did after "Harry, (Y/n). Do you mind if we have a word?" He asked "not at all." We say as we followed him to a secluded space.

"Harry, (Y/n)." He sounded more serious now but also a hint of worry was there "There are some within the Ministry that strongly discouraged from divulging what I'm about to reveal to you." People started to walk by so we have to move away and continue our chat.

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin ~Year 2~//Draco x Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now