A Day With Draco

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

It was now the weekend. The boys left the hospital wing 15 minutes ago, but I didn't want to leave Hermiones side but madam Pomfrey said it was best that I leave and get some fresh air so I did as she said.

I was walking to my secret spot 'The Hidden Tree' as Draco calls it, and speaking of the Devil "Oh are you going to 'The Hidden Tree' hm~" he chuckles and reply's "You're never going to let me live that down are you." I giggle and say no as I push the vines out of the way and walk through.

Draco soon follows in and sits under the tree with me. "I now don't have Hermione here... to talk about things." Draco looked at me with an eyebrow raised "What would these 'things' be about?" I can't tell him we talk about boys.

"Stuff only you can talk about with your best friends, things you trust them with, to never tell a soul about what you've said, they'll believe everything you say. Stuff you don't want to tell others.."

"What about your brother?" I laughed a little from what he said. "Exactly, he's my brother. I know he's always there for me but there's some things I just can't tell him and need Hermione or another best friend to tell."

He grabs my shoulders and makes me look at him "You can tell me. That is if you want. I won't tell a soul." I touch his cheek "Your like my other best friend." He grabs my hand and makes a facial expression like he's been hurt.

"I thought I was your best friend." I giggled "I'd like that very much." He then smiles at me "so what did you want to say?" He asks still smiling "please don't be shocked."

I say and I get up and walk a few paces away I could sense that he stood up as well. "I think I know why I have all these special powers... some weren't just normal powers I inherited form my Grandmother....."

"Yes?" He asked curiously "the other powers being intensified hearing, sharp eye sight, intensified sense of smell and probably many more cause...." I shift a little into my dragon form my eyes changing and getting a few white scales on my face and growing my horns.

I then turned around and looked at Draco with tears in my eyes "Is cause I'm a Dragon." He stared at me in shock... should I have not told him about this I looked down as I could feel my tears escaping.

Then I saw his shoes come into my view soon his hand was reaching for my face I put my head up as he grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him. He was smiling at me "You don't have to cry (Y/n), I won't tell a soul, I'll still treat you the same oh and you look gorgeous like this I bet you look magnificent in your full form."

I let out a laugh as a few more tears escaped my eyes I tried to wipe them away but I was pulled closer to Draco.. he was hugging me I sank into the hug wrapping my arms around his body. "Thank you for trusting me." I looked up at Draco confused "You trusted me enough to tell me something not many people would believe or would go and make that a rumour." He said as he put a hand on my head.

I showed him one of the brightest smiles I could make "Did you want to go have fun on the Quidditch field, like we used to." He smirked at me I changed back to my normal self and smirked back "You know it." He wrapped his arm around me and we walked off to get our brooms. "I think I've been rubbing off on you to much." I giggled.

"If anything you've done it the most." He raised an eyebrow "You don't see it? Your not your usual mean self you haven't been calling Hermione.. a mudblood, lately and your not making rude remarks to my brother and Ron. You also don't look mean 24/7-" he put a hand over my mouth.

"You are brutally honest aren't you? I get it now stop roasting me I might get burnt." He chuckles as he takes his hand away from my mouth "As you wish your royal highness." I say while bowing "oh hush, that's you or did you perhaps forgotten, princess~" he says leaning down closer to me.

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