Our spot

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*! Not my art, I really love the art styles!*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Once again I woke up earlier then the others I haven't been able to get much sleep it's either my brain won't stop thinking or I dream about what happened in the chamber... but I would prefer to not start my day off with this topic so I got up and went to feed (O/n) but she wasn't in her cage. (If you forgot or didn't know o/n means owls name.)

"(O/n)?! Where are you!" I whisper yelled so I wouldn't wake up the rest that's when I heard her hoot from the window "(O/n) what are you doing there! I was worried something bad happened to you- what's that?" I say as I grabbed a letter from her beak.

"This is mother's hand writing, it must be important if she's writing to me on the day I'm supposed to leave." I sat back down on my bed and opened the letter.

Dear (Y/n).

We are sorry to say this my dear but we have an urgent business trip we must take... which also means we won't be able to spend the holiday with you.

The nanny is going on a vacation therefore you have no one that can look after you at home, if you can find anyone to stay with leave with them immediately. We'll see you soon my baby.

Love from Mother & Father xx

Mother and father always lets our house elves take time off on the holidays mother says 'holidays exist cause we need to rest or we will be too overworked to even continue, even house elves get tired and sick.' Our house elves are treated like family which makes them happy to work for us.

But I need to find someone to stay with... Lucy's going on a family vacation so I don't want to intrude, Stephanie is spending her holiday with her Aunty that knows nothing about her being a witch, Izrail is going to visit family back at home which is overseas, Lizzy is also stay with family that doesn't know about her being a witch, Hermione... she'll probably be studying all holiday as for I, I wouldn't want to spend the whole holiday doing that, Ron maybe not by myself.

"Ugh who can I even stay with." I say in frustration but quickly snap out of it when I hear a crash coming from down stairs, I quickly jump up and run down stairs to see who it is "Whoever's there I'll warn you once, I know how to fight!" I say as I grabbed a.... what even is this? Looks like a metal poll... wtf!? "Woah, woah! It's me (N/n) I really don't want to be hit by you... where did you even get that?" Harry says as he stands up dusting himself off.

"It's not mine, I found it leant up against that wall." I say as I point over to the wall between the stairs. "Odd, who would leave that there?" Harry said confused but that's not even the bigger question "Uh no Harry who would even have a metal poll!?" He nodded agreeing to what I said.

That's when I just got the perfect idea "Yes that's it!" I say making Harry jump from my outburst "W-what?" He asked confused. I pushed him onto the couch and took a seat next to him and handed him the letter from my mother.

"So you're saying you want to stay with me?" He asked dumbfounded "Well duh, everyone else is busy or I don't want to intrude on their family time." He thought for a moment then answered me "But Ron and Hermione aren't busy-" I cut him off "That's not the point.. you know Hermione will want to study all holiday and Ron... well even you can tell he likes me, that will be so awkward." He once again agreed with me "Wait you knew!?" Is he really shocked about me knowing that.

"Harry it's pretty obvious. Anyways I can't wait to spend the Summer with you." I smile at Harry "Hold up (Y/n), you know I live with our Aunt and Uncle the worse people ever." I sighed "Yeah yeah, I know but Uncle 'Vermin' possibly can't say no to my parents." He didn't know what I was talking about but it's best he doesn't know.

"Fine you can come, but I won't be able to do anything if they don't let you come." He said worried "Don't worry dear brother I got this, now did you want to keep me company while we wait for the others to wake up." He smiled at me then answered "Of course."

I was waiting for Harry to come down from the boys dorms "How did I get dressed faster than him.. and I didn't even use any spells?" That's when the girls come down and sit with me on the couch's. "Where's Harry and Ron?" Lucy asks.

"I think they're still getting dressed." I replied "they're normally the ones that complain that we're taking forever." Stephanie says with a confused look but we all agreed, we continued having a conversation about what we're going to do over summer holidays that's when they finally came down. "What took you guys so long?" Izrail asked Harry walked down the steps with a sleepy Ron next to him and pointed at Ron.

We could guess the rest so we didn't ask "Well we best be going to breakfast and eat quickly so we don't miss the train." Lizzy told us as she stood up all of us following her lead.

The girls and I finished out food but Ron kept stuffing his face with food "Ron, my man, do you really need to eat that much?" I asked as I dodged a piece of food that's flying off of Ron's plate... he's acting like a starved animal. "Do you want me getting hungry on the train!? Plus I'm going to miss this food." He says as if it's obvious.

We all exchanged weird looks while Ron continues to stuff his face, I decided to look up and I locked eyes with Draco he must of seen that whole event play out. He sent me a charming smile.... charming? I smiled back at him that's when he looked at the door whilst tilting his head the same direction. I nodded at him and told my friends I was going to the toilet.

The girls saw Draco getting up and leaving the great hall and knew instantly what I meant by using the toilet, I got up and left the great hall looking to my right was Draco leaning up against the wall "Let's go to our spot so people don't see." I say as I start walking towards that spot I managed to see that Draco looked a bit sad but I'm not sure why.

Once we get there I take a seat on the swing Draco made and attached to one of the trees branches. "So what's up?" I asked with a curious expression "Would you mind if I sit with you guys on the train?" He looked like I was going to reject him. "Oh Draco you don't need to ask of course you can, I hardly sit with my brother and the girls know I'm friends with you.. they accept it by the way, they don't hate you." I say to make him feel more comfortable and it worked.

He smiled and walked behind me then started to softly push me on the swing "You know I'm going to miss this place, our little place that is." He told me "Yeah I am going to miss it too." I agreed with him "I'll mainly miss it cause I won't be able to see you." He says as he stops pushing me and holds onto the rope that's holding the swing up.

I put my hand over his and looked up to him with a sad look "Don't go saying such depressing things, you'll get to see me after the holidays plus you can write to me." He smiled at me "Yeah I can, I'll write to you everyday." I smiled back "Oh that's right I'll be staying with Harry, Mother and father are on an important business trip so I have to stay with Harry. Here I'll write the address down." I say as I grab a piece of paper and write down Harry's address.

I hand the paper to him and say "Oh and apparently they lock up Harry's wizard belongings as well as making him keep his owl in a small cage, so you'll have to write to me first." His face changes to a shocked expression "They lock away everything!?" I nodded "They're muggles that hate witches and wizards cause my parents were." He looks mad but gets over it quickly "I'll make sure mine waits till you write back." I smiled at him "I know you will, we better get back we'll be leaving soon." I say as I stand up and start walking to the exit.

"Come on Draco." He looks me in the eyes "Just wanted to take in the scenery of this place and you." He then puts his arm around my shoulders and we start walking back.

Please tell me if there is any mistakes or something doesn't make sense, I just did a quick scan over it to see if there was mistakes but I feel like I haven't gotten them all haha anyways hope you have a nice day or night 🥰✨

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