She's Back!

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*!These fanart's do not belong to me!*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Why do I feel so hungry, ugh and why is it so bright I opened my eyes to see just a bright light "Shit am I dead?" I said out loud "I promise you aren't, it's good to have you back. Sorry for blinding you." Madam Pomfrey added.

"It's quite all right." I smile up to her then I remember everything that happened and touched my stomach as I looked down at it "It's all healed dear except you have a little scar left over." She said sadly "Cool." I say as I saw the scar it wasn't really small but neither was it big.

I then get off the bed perfectly fine "Dear please be careful you just woke up." I laughed at what she said "Madam Pomfrey I feel really healthy." I told her she was skeptic about it but let me go.

"Oh would you perhaps know where Harry, Hermione and Ron are?" I asked her as I used the same useful spell I used on the train to change into my clothes. "They might be at Hagrid's I saw them walking outside towards his place." I quickly gave her a hug "thank you, for everything." And quickly ran to Hagrid's place.

I was about to knock on his door when it sounded like someone almost yelling I put my ear to the door to hear better that's when the door opened slightly and I looked through it to see all four in there.

"Look here, Harry it's not your fault, she wanted to protect you of course she knew what would be the outcome." Hagrid tried to comfort Harry. "But it is! Cause of me she's the one suffering! I shouldn't have dragged her along!" Harry shouted as he stood up and turned away from the others.

They all had their backs to me so I opened the door fully and leaned on the door frame.

"Harry.. if she truly didn't want to go she'd stand her ground and say no, cause that's the type of person she is. But I know she won't want to say no, cause she wants to be with you." Hermione said as she put her hand on Harry's shoulder comforting him.

"She's not wrong Harry." I say still leaning on the door frame of Hagrid's hut. They all shot their heads looking at me as I smiled at them "You really thought the great (Y/n) could die that easily." I teased as I saw Harry started to cry.

I opened up my arms with a sad smile, he ran over to me pulling me into a tight hug "I thought I lost you for good, I-I." I hugged him tightly and said "It's not your fault, Mother told me to protect you and I made that a promise to her when.. you know... I simply kept my promise." I reassured him.

I felt him calm down and I pull away from him, wiping away the tears left on his cheeks as he moved to the side letting the others come to me. Hermione pulled me in a tight hug as well "You had me scared there for a second, I know nothing can stop you but I was still worried." She said as she pulled away.

Ron was being awkward but he's like my brother so I pulled him in for a hug "Now what does my second brother have to say." I laughed as we parted he chuckled then spoke.

"Ahem... Why did you have to scare us like that! Could you take any longer to heal.. well I mean that was quite fast for an injury like that, but still never do that again!" I laughed then replied "What almost die?" He looked at me then said.

"Well duh, I don't want to worry like that anymore." The others started to laugh "Hm no promises." I said cheekily Ron gasps dramatically as we all continued to laugh. I turned to Hagrid and hugged him "I'm so glad your back Hagrid, it wouldn't be the same without you." 

As we parted he looked like he remembered something he turned around and grabbed a basket, quite big, "this is for you." I grabbed it. He got me a basket? I mean hey it's actually really nice, I then opened it to see a bunch of Hagrid's fruit cake. I gasped loudly.

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