Polyjuice Potion

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(Y/n) P.O.V

We were in the girls bathroom about to drink the potion, we all had our own little bottle full of the potion all we needed to do was put in the strands of hair we got then drink it oh how fun that sounds.

I look at Hermione with puppy dog eyes "uh uh, no way am I becoming Pansy." She said pushing me away "aww come on I don't want to be that ugly pug face either." She then pulled me closer.

"I don't want to be clinging to Malfoy, that's your job." She then let go "W-what do you mean that's my-" she then looked to the boys and asked if they had the hairs of Crabbe and Goyle they both nodded.

We all put the hairs in and drank the potion, it was my second time trying this but it still makes me feel sick I was sitting on the sink when Harry ran to the one next to me and started to throw up.

"Eww Harry." Ron and Hermione soon ran straight for the stalls and was throwing up as well. Once I heard that he was finished I looked over at him. Only to see Goyles ugly face causing me to scream and fall off the sink.

"(Y/n)! Are you ok?" Harry asked as he extended his hand helping me up "yeah uh sorry I just forgot how ugly he was." He gave me that, look in the mirror, face. "I don't need to brother I already know how ugly she is. I'm afraid if I look I'll throw up."

Ron then came out of the stall "Harry? (Y/n)?" Harry covered my mouth knowing I'd react the same way, fuck. "Ok, ok enough fun and games we need to ace their voices. I already got pug faces down... cause I mock her to much.. nah not enough."

They both cleared their voices and continued to speak in a low voice until I gave them the thumbs up. Still wasn't perfect but it was close we'll just say they got a cold, "Hey, Hermione we have to leave, we've only got and hour till we turn back." I called out to her.

"Just go without me. Hurry, you're wasting time." She called back out I knew something terrible went wrong by the tone of her voice. "I'll be back to help you, see you in an hour." I heard her call back out saying she knows I'll be back to help her.

I was leading the way cause you know pug face is a two faced bitch and must always be at the front aka the leader. We then heard someone coming.

Percy then walked out from the corner "What are you doing here?" Ron being dumb didn't speak in a low voice. I slapped him over the head he just looked at me and then caught on after a second or so.

"I happen to be a Prefect. You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at night. It's not safe these days." Percy said I put on pug faces high pitched voice and spoke. "These two knuckle heads were in the great hall stuffing their faces, I just so happened to find them walking back but they got lost, I was just walking back to the Slytherin dorms, shouldn't you be with the Gryffindorks." I'm so sorry Percy.

He looked like we was going to speak up again but was cut off my Draco "Crabbe, Goyle." Draco comes walking down to us. "Pigging out in the great hall all this time?" He spat and then looked at me well pug face and cringed, it made me happy to see that he hated her as well.

He looked at Harry confused.. ugh his fucking glasses how could I forget. "Why are you wearing glasses?" He asked "Uh... r-reading." Harry replied "Reading? I didn't know you could read." He then raised his eyebrows looking slightly impressed.

He then turned to Percy "And what are you doing down here. Weasley?" He asked rather rudely. "Mind your attitude, Malfoy." Percy replied back Draco only raised his eyebrows at him and then started walking off.

"Wait up Dracy poo." I say as I cling to his arm he tries to push me off but I had to hold on cause pansy doesn't know how to let go. I then saw the other two glaring but they knew I had to do this. Hopefully.

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