Fixed Friendship

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Each and every class we were in- heck anywhere Harry and I were everyone would stare at us, not surprised though the Chamber of Secrets is open and people heard us speaking Parseltongue they suspect me or Harry is the heir to Slytherin some even think it's both of us.

Harry can't take it anymore "See you back in the common room." Harry said getting up and looked at me I nodded showing that I was coming, he just quickly got out of there while I didn't care once I was at the doors I turned back around to see everyone looking at us even Ron and Hermione.

"You guys having fun? If we were the heir to Slytherin why did the hat put us in Gryffindor. Think about that." I then left, I was mad but didn't show that they could get to me. I turned and saw Harry watching through the window type things they're more like fancy gapes in the wall I walked over and hid behind him.

They were just saying how Justin is hiding from us saying he's our next target cause he let it slip to Harry that he was a Muggle-born.

I was ranting to Harry about how this was all bull shit that I didn't even realise he stopped and talked to Hagrid but then we rushed off I only came to sense when we heard the voice again. "Again really, now who is it trying to kill." I said throwing my hands in the air.

Saying it's usual I want blood or they all must die. I had my head against the wall until I realised something "Harry it's coming from the walls, the voice that is." He looked at me shocked but then put his ear against it as well "it really is." He said surprised.

We followed the voice until it faded away I continued to walk around the corner Harry following right behind me I gasped at what I saw nearly headless nick was not moving like he had died again but that's impossible... petrified that's the only answer.

Oh my that Hufflepuff boy Justin I believe, is also petrified I went closer to him as did Harry I then felt another presence with us I quickly turned around to see Flich. "Fuck" I say making Harry look up.

"Caught in the act, I'll have you out this time Potters mark my words." He then walks away Harry got up trying to tell him it's not what it looked like.

I grabbed his arm stopping him "Harry look it's spiders, they're doing that weird thingy again." Harry knelt down watching them. Flich then came back with Professor McGonagall she gasped and rushed over to Justin and Nearly Headless Nick.

"Professor I swear we didn't." Harry tried to tell her "this is out of my hands Mr. potter." That's all she said before taking us to Dumbledore. We walked into his office I found a chair I could sit down in so I took a seat of course it's not the one at Dumbledores desk.

Harry was doing his own thing while I zoned out until I saw him looking at the phenix it then burst into flames ah time for his- oh look Dumbledore came at a perfect time... Harry's gonna freak out.

Like I said he did Dumbledore on the other hand liked to crack a few jokes that left my dear brother so confused it was fun to watch. He had to explain to Harry what they are and could do.

That was until the doors slammed open revealing Hagrid he started ranting about how we didn't do it, Dumbledore had to quickly interject saying he believes we didn't do it to make Hagrid stop talking.

He then asked us if there was something we wished to tell him this man has a way of already knowing things but Harry just said no sir and we were sent back.

We went straight to the dorms, as soon as we stepped foot in there all eyes were on us and everything went quite, I sighed not wanting to deal with this today I walked up the stairs as everyone watched me then came back down with my snake I gave him a classic name. Fang.

Everyone started to whisper to each other while some were gasping and being scared. I grabbed my brothers shoulder as I was walking the opposite direction he was facing. "Good luck dealing with these bunch of assholes, I'll be outside relaxing with fang." I purposely spoke in Parseltongue just so no one could understand.

Before I could leave I heard Harry call out "you know they're going to be-" I called back out "yes I know brother but I just want to relax without anyone finding me." I then left to go sit under that tree I found in first year.

I was for once in peace and quiet, I was having fun playing with Fang and teaching him some cool tricks. "That's pretty neat."

"Fuck!!" I screamed as I pointed my wand at the voice I heard only to see Draco standing there with his hands up "Wow I scared you." He mocked me I lowered my wand as he can and sat down next to me.

"Oh ha ha very funny." He smiled at me but that soon disappeared "Hey. Your not your usual self what's wrong?" I looked at him shocked that he could tell I wasn't being me normally only Harry could tell and he still can't tell 100% of the time.

I raised my eyebrows at him "it's Pretty obvious Malfoy, it's the only thing being talked about around the whole fucking school." He looked at me seriously.

"First off I will say it's bull shit that they think your the heir.. maybe Harry-" I slightly hit his arm making him chuckle and cracking a smile on my face.

"I for one believe your not. Now. Second since when did you go back to calling me Malfoy. I was getting used to 'Draco' coming out of your mouth this is weird." He knows how to make me break into laughter, I held my stomach from laughing so hard that it started to hurt.

"I'm sorry, Draco." I said correcting myself "that's better." He smiled as he rubbed my head. "Now who's this?" I started telling Draco everything about Fang.

Draco's P.O.V

(Y/n) was telling me all about Fang besides from how she found him we were all there but she did start from when she had to use up quite a lot of her energy to change his as I call it settings so he's not in kill mode.

She showed me all the cool tricks she taught him to do she had to speak Parseltongue though. Which I found fascinating she caught on and taught me how to say a few words, it was very difficult cause it involves hissing one wrong tone or shit and I could start a war with snakes.

When I told her that she started laughing and grabbed my arm as support she called me an idiot but I don't mind when she calls me that. That's when I realised she fell asleep leaning on me.

I moved her so she could lean on the tree but she kept falling to the side I sat down next to her letting her lean on me, Fang then came slithering up her arm then around both of us... he's not big enough to wrap around our body's so it warped around my shoulder and around (Y/n)'s neck.

I started falling asleep as well, I pulled (Y/n) into my arms as she laid on me her head resting on my chest made me feel so peaceful. The last thing I remember was her moving her arms wrapping them around me then I fell asleep.

A birthday in lockdown yay, oh it's so fun (T ^ T) I was really planning to go all out for my sweet 16th oh well I can celebrate with you lovelies ♥️✨

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