Rouge Bludger

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Today was the day we were going against Slytherin, we were all waiting in our Quidditch tent listening to Wood giving his usual speech and the game plan for today's match. "All right men!" Then all us girls coughed in sync "oh ah and women." He added.

We were now on the field waiting for the Quaffle to be thrown in the air, we were face to face with the Slytherins as usual I'm in the air next to Harry while he has a stare down with Draco.

I do a 360 hitting my brother on the head with my bottom half of the broom "Pay attention Harry." I harshly say "If that didn't hurt me as much I would have said your trick was cool." I floated in front of him upside down "Turn that frown upside down." He would always crack a smile when I do that no matter what mood he's in.

"In formations please." I quickly stopped playing around and got back into my formation and as I did so I could see Draco has a little smile on his face I would do that to Draco as well, when we'd have time to ourselves we would go have fun on our brooms.

Madam Hooch then came into the middle of both teams and threw the Quaffle high in the air I shot straight up for the Quaffle Adrian Pucey was a head in front of me and reaching out for it so me being well me, I did the impossible and stood on the tip of my broom and shot off it.

"(Y/n) has just used her broom as a cannon to shoot herself closer to the Quaffle Successfully grabbing it!" The announcer said over the speakers making many people gasp besides from the people who know me well... they know I'm crazy and would do something like this to win.

I grabbed the Quaffle and flipped my body so I was looking at the ground where my broom was falling too, I managed to grab my broom and get on it before it hit the ground, I zoomed right back up and passed Adrian Pucey smirking at him.

"And she's back up! I thought she was a goner but what do you expect from the Potter's!" The announcers always makes me laugh. I was dodging all the Slytherins coming from all different directions.

Flipping upside down last minute for the ones coming at me head on, swerving my broom to the side so they don't hit me and instead fly right pass me. After dodging another Slytherin I go straight for the goals.

I'm head on with the keeper I swerved to the right making it look like I was going to shoot for that ring but instead I quickly stood on my broom and looked the other direction throwing it threw that ring. "Gryffindor has scored 10 from their star chaser (Y/n) Potter!"

I sat back down and continued playing the game I was getting points left, right and centre. Until I nearly get hit off my broom by a bludger "Sorry (Y/n), I didn't mean to aim it at ya... I don't know why it went this way when I was clearly aiming it at Pucey." Fred came up to me luckily he did cause it came right back,

I bent down whilst Fred hit it away "what the-" I cut my self off as I watched it chase my brother now "They shouldn't be doing that?" Fred said "I'll figure it out you keep it off of Harry and I." He agreed and went for the bludger.

I was looking around the crowd to see if maybe someone put a spell on it, that's when I could see Mione and Ron most likely talking about the bludger.

I quickly flew over there "If your thinking it's under a spell you would be wrong, I looked through the whole crowd no one has a wand out let alone saying any spell." Ron looked at me confused

"Saying any spells you say? How would you be able to know you can't hear them when your all the way up there." Me and Hermione looked at him confused then ohh at the same time "I thought Harry would have told you, I inherited some of my own powers from my Grandmother, hearing being one. Hermione will tell you more I've got to get back to the game keep an eye out though."

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