Train Ride

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Draco's P.O.V

I left my compartment cause pansy started getting on my nerves but I guess I was so pissed that I didn't even realize I was in Gryffindor side of the train, I heard a conversation in one of the compartments that had the door slightly open.

"I know you told me not to freak out, but I can't hold it back anymore where is she!?" One of the girls shrieked

"We all are." I peaked through the gape to see it was (Y/n)'s friends. "Maybe she did make it onto the train but is stuck in one of the parts we can't access unless we get off and go into the next cart."

"But we can't get off, so we won't know until we get to Hogwarts."

" I'm going to the toilet I'll be back." I quickly got up and left that compartment. I decided to stay out of the carts for a bit to get some fresh air.

Then that's when I heard this ear piercing scream, I looked up to see (Y/n) hanging onto her brothers hand while the car is tipped sideways, I got spooked by the door to enter Gryffindors cart swing open.

It was her friends "Was that you screaming Malfoy?" One of the girls asked "Me!? I don't scream like a girl, it was (Y/n)!" I stated pointing at her hanging from the care above us.

Then at the same time the girls looked up and screamed

"Oh no (N/n)!" (This would be Izrail)

"She's gonna fall!" (Stephanie)

"Harry better pull her up!" (Lucy)

"Ohh I can't watch!" (Lizzy, she's covering here eyes but peaking at the same time)

I rolled my eyes but I was also panicking. I managed to hear what they were yelling about. "I won't let go! Give me your other hand!" Harry yelled down at her while trying to pull her up.

She was struggling to grab his other hand? That's when Harry yelled at her to not give up, my grib on the rails was intense. I could see Harry was holding back tears, I could see Harry talking but I couldn't hear him.

(Y/n) started to try pull her self up again you could see her shaking as her fingers brush against her brothers, he managed to intertwine their fingers but he was too late to notice her other hand slipping out of his grip.

(Y/n)'s hand completely slipped out of her brother "HARRY!" She yelled as she started to fall "NO!" Weasley got the car under control now but (Y/n) was still falling... right above me!?

(Y/n) covered her face as she fell. Come on I need to time this right, as we go around the curve I'll be able to lean over and grab her but I might fall over. "Oi I need you all to hold onto me!" I say quickly turning my head to look at (Y/n)'s friends.

"What!? Why would we do that?" They all shouted "So I won't fall over the edge clearly! Just trust me!" They all shared a 'seriously' look "look just this once." I pleaded, they looked at one another then sighed and held me.

Just in time, I leaned over and successfully caught (Y/n). She was shaking badly and had tears down her face, the girls managed to pull me back roughly though making me successfully fall down to the ground with (Y/n) still in my arms.

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin ~Year 2~//Draco x Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now