The Voice

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

It's been a couple days now since the last time Draco and I talked, I couldn't stop thinking about the whole situation but today I cant let it distract me. We were practising today for Quidditch obviously, and I couldn't let the thought of the fight distract me from practice.

We were passing through the courtyard when all of a sudden I bumped into my brother "Hey why'd you stop?" But when I looked up I answered my own question. "Clear out Flint! I booked the pitch for today." Wood said.

"Easy wood. I've got a note." Flint replied back. Wood grabed the note and started to read it out loud "I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new seeker."

He looked up and questioned Flint "You've got a new seeker, who?" The Slytherin team moved to the side and out walked Draco.... of course just when I was so close to not thinking about him ugh.

That when I noticed Ron and Hermione walked up to us, "Draco?" Harty questioned. "Thats right. And thats not all thats new this year." Draco said with a smirk while twirling his new broom.

"Those are Nimbus Two Thousand Ones. Where did you get them?" Ron gasped at the site of the newly made brooms. "A gift from Draco's father." Flint responded,

"You see Weasley, unlike some his father can afford to buy the best." I clench my jaw in hope it would stop my anger from getting the best of me in this situation buut that didnt last long.. sadly.

"At least no one on tje Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent" Hermione tried to stick up for Ron dont get me wrong she did great but its best to not fight a Slytherin.

"No one asked for your opinon, you filthy mudblood!" Draci steped closer to us. I gasped as soon as he said that which caused him to look at me making his glare soften but returns as fast.

"You'll pay for that, Malfoy. Eat slugs!" Ron snapped and tried to hit Draco with a spell but it fired back and hit him. It sent him flyimg back "Ron!" I could hear the whole Slytherin team laughing whilst I ran to Ron with the whole team of Gryffindors behind me.

He was holding himself up by his hands he looked extremely sick, "Ron! Say something!" Hermione worriedly said but all she got from him was him throwing up a slug. I looked away about to be sick myself.

Soon there was a bright flash that covered my eye sight for a split seconfd, "Harry can you turn him around?" Thats Colins voice, my eye sight was better now and I saw Harry and Hermione lifting Ron up "No Colin, move out of the way." I could tell Harry was mad especially when he walked past Draco he hit his shoulder really hard.

Thats when my anger bursted, I stormed right up to Draco not giving two fucks who saw us as soon as he turned back around I delivered a nice hard slap to his cheek making him stumble back but he caught his balance fast.

He pulled his hand up to his cheek spinning back to face me as fast as he could ready to fight but instead he just stared at me confused. "You're.... cruel.." i said bitting my lip fighting the urge to cry, I thought he was better than this.

"(Y/n).. w-what do you mean?" He took a step closer but I help my hand up against his chest stopping him from coming any closer. "'No one asked for your opinon, you Filthy Mudblood.' I-I thought you were better than that... but your not are you?" I say as a tear escapes.

He trys to reach up to wipe my tear but I slap his hand away "No! J-just... no" I couldn't talk to him anymore without breaking so I just ran after my brother, Ron and Hermione.... but before I ran away I saw his face he looked hurt but also sad and that's what made it so hard for me.

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin ~Year 2~//Draco x Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now