Hey Guys... A/n

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Hello my lovelies I thought I should tell you guys that I'm not doing to well, I'm at my lowest point in life right now... I haven't been able to have the motivation to do anything right now even eating let alone get out of bed. Lockdown isn't helping either everything with this whole lockdown was supposed to ease up around the 25th of September but instead we're stuck in lock down for another month or until we can get to single digits... we can't even go in double digits.

I've just been put into counseling just had my first session on Monday 14th if September at 8:30 pm (aka today just 2 hours ago) I learnt new things about myself.. I disassociate in scary situations or stressful ones (if you don't know what disassociate is it's a disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions and identity. I basically leave my body and can't think straight which can lead me to doing thing) ..... as well as emotional abuse, but you guys probably don't care about that ahah I've been told to focus on myself more I need to learn to love myself and not think I'm as worthless as I think I am etc but I've managed to push myself away for years I can push myself away a little longer so I can finish the last chapter in this book but then I'm afraid I'll have to stop.. I need to take a little break to focus on myself even if writing makes me happy.

I'll probably still write and think of ideas for third year but they won't be published sorry. I may never get better but I do promise that I won't forget about my books... hopefully I won't take forever cause you guys make me feel happy.. emotions. But right now I need to make more time for counseling and myself so I can hopefully get better and continue writing my Draco x reader's and my other made up stories.

I'm sorry it's not an update you guys were wishing for but the real chapter will be published soon I just need to write about the train ride home and their summer holiday.. or at least the train ride home and I'll just add the holiday at the start of the next book (year 3) I hope you guys do well while I'm gone for a little bit, feel free to message me if you want even if it's to say hi or to ask me any questions about anything I'll answer you guys as soon as I can.

I might be faster if you dm me on insta I'm not giving out my personal yet, but I have an anime account (I haven't posted in.... in years I think) and a Harry Potter account which I have also not posted in for awhile but it has my own edits.... I'm not good at it but like it's fun, I need to buy pro again when I start working.

Thes are my accounts you can contact me through if you want me to reply fast.
Harry Potter: slyxtherin.queen
Anime: sunami.__

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin ~Year 2~//Draco x Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now