Hagrid's Friend Aragog

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(Y/n) P.O.V

We were ready to play against Hufflepuff but McGonagall came up to us saying that the match has been cancelled she also told Harry and I to follow her, which of course we did. But we also had to get Ron as well

She took us to the hospital? "This may come at a wee bit of shock for you all." She said as she took us to a bed with... Hermione laying in it petrified, "Mione!!" I ran straight over to her grabbing her stone cold hand.

"She was found near the library, along with this" McGonagall said as she showed us a small hand mirror "Does it mean anything to either of you?" She asked but we all said was a simple no.

We were all in the Gryffindor common room waiting for McGonagall, I was sitting on the windowsill looking outside "Hey (O/n), want to stretch your wings?" She opened her wings up as a reply.

"Ok then girl, off you go!" I say as I open the window and watch as she took off, my how she is so fast I also had Fang with me wrapped around my arm as usual. I watched as (O/n) was having the time of her life outside, she didn't go that far seeing as she likes to stay close to me.

McGonagall then came in all she talked about was these new rules I thought they were stupid but we had to obey them. Oh she also said something about 'if the culprit that is doing this isn't caught it's likely the school will be closed.'

Ok so all we gotta do is figure out who's doing this and to catch them easy peasy, case will be closed. Then Harry started going on about having to talk to Hagrid but I don't think Hagrid would have done it he doesn't have the heart to do that to people. But no my brother is stubborn and doesn't listen to me.

I called (O/n) back and got off the windowsill as she perched herself on my shoulder then I get yanked by Harry making me follow him. He pulled out the invisibility cloak and got under it pulling Ron in. "Come on (N/n)." I laughed.

"Oh Harry how could you forget." I say as I turn myself invisible "plus I ain't getting under there with you two." Rons mouth dropped as he turned and looked at Harry." I then yanked the cover down and pushed them toward the exit.

Yes (O/n) and Fang are still with me but I have control of turning anything that touches me invisible as well, if I want to that is. We got to Hagrid's hut and they knocked on the door I don't even want to be here. "Who's there." We heard from inside.

Hagrid kicked his door open not to hard though "hello!" I turn back to being visible "woah Hagrid what's with the crossbow." I say as I rip of the cloak from Ron and Harry.

"Oh it's uh nothing... I've just been expecting.. something that doesn't matter. Come in and sit down... I'll make us some tea." He said as he moved to the side letting us back in.

We walked in and I instantly sat down the other two just looked at me like 'why are you sitting down we need to talk about' blah blah blah I don't care about this cause I know he didn't do it.

Hagrid took the kettle off the fire spilling the water, is he nervous? What for though. "Are you okay? Hagrid?" Harry asked but I changed the subject cause he clearly didn't want to talk about it when we were at his door.

"Did you hear about Hermione?" I asked "Oh yeah, I heard all right. How are you holding up?" I sigh "I mean I'm holding up pretty good right now, I know she'll be back soon seeing as the mandrakes are almost done-" Harry then like usual interrupted me.

"Look Hagrid... we have to ask you something. Do you know who's opened the Chamber of Secrets?" So blunt Harry geez. Hagrid stopped cutting the fruitcake he took out for us that I actually like but people say it's to hard to eat I don't find any problems eating it.

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