Hospital Wing

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Draco's P.O.V

I sat up still holding (Y/n) in my arms all the pixies were frozen in their tracks everyone that remained and didn't run away was gathering all the pixies and putting them back into the cage. I picked (Y/n) up and started walking to the doors.

"And where do you think your going?" I turned my head to see Harry grabbing some pixies "To the hospital wing." I said bluntly "oh no, what happened!?" Lucy piped up in front of me looking at (Y/n).

"I'm not to sure that's why I said I'd take her to the hospital wing, now can you guys finish cleaning this up and let me go take her to get help?" Lucy moved out of the way and pushed Harry back to the cage.

I quickly started running to the hospital wings constantly checking to see if something is wrong. Once I made it to the doors I kicked them open scaring Madam Pomfrey "Gosh riddance child open the door normally."

"I'm very sorry but this is an emergency, somethings wrong but I'm not sure what." I say as I lay (Y/n) down in one of the vacant beds. Madam Pomfrey rushes over "Oh my!" She bellows and rushes off to grab something.

She comes back with a trolley full of weird kinds of stuff, "I'm sorry dear but would you be able to step out and close the curtains for a bit." She looked at me smiling. I do as she says and step outside the curtains closing them behind me.

It's been nearly 20 minutes maybe even more, since I've been on the other side of the curtains, my pacing came to a halt as I heard the sounds of the curtains opening. I rushed back over to (Y/n)'s side she doesn't look like she's in anymore pain.

"What happened to her clothes? And what even is she wearing." I ask, Madam Pomfrey hands me a bag "these are her clothes, I had to take them off to run some tests. And its just some comfy clothes I managed to find."

"Now I must tend to my other patients, she is doing well for the time being just notify me if anything happens to her." I nod my head as Madam Pomfrey attends to other people.

I sigh and grab her hand "please be ok." I say and I lay my head down on the bed and slowly fall asleep.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I feel like I'm in the clouds... it's so warm and cozy.. Wait! I'm supposed to be at class, I shot my eyes open and went to sit up but I was unable to... "Draco? What's he doing here."

I start to shake him and call out his name but all I got out of that was a groan "ugh so stubborn, oi Draco get up we have class to go attend." I sternly stayed as I started poking his face.

He opens his eyes and pushes himself up on his elbows. His hair was a complete mess so I though I'd fix it but halfway through fixing it his eyes shot wide open like he had just remembered something important.

"Hm what's up Draco-" but like per usual I was cut off... Draco jumped straight at me and engulfed me in a tight hug. "Uhh Draco?" He squeezed tighter anymore and I think I'll become mashed potato. "Your awake! Are you ok!?"

He moved back to looks me in the face his arms were still around my waist while mine rested on his shoulders cause I was fixing his hair.. which I started to fix again.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" I asked while moving my arms away cause his hair was fixed now... but his still haven't budged. "Wait you don't remember?" He looks confused, I shake my head.

"Dumbledore will talk to you about what happened, once he knows the times right.. he also asked that you'd bring Draco with you. But till then he requests you don't tell a soul about what you saw Draco make up any excuse you need." Madam Pomfrey told us.

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