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*!Again not my fan art!*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I pushed the door open and walked in letting go of Hermione she then went and sat on her bed that's in front of mine and that's when there was a chorus of "(Y/n)!" Once again being thrown to the floor yeah we'll never be able to have a normal group hug, once they get off me they helped me back up.

"So you wanna tell us about what I saw?" Hermione smirked while the girls all gasped and jumped on their beds like kids about to listen to a story, I giggled making my way over to my bed to pack but not really I got spells for that.

"Ok well I'll skip the boring part about being at Hagrids, but while I was walking back with Hermione, Ron and my brother I remembered I forgot my wand in the hospital wing so I ran back to get it." I say as I pulled out my suit case putting it on my bed and sitting behind it casting a spell to pack my clothes and other things I had.

"And when I turned the corner the doors burst open and Draco came running out all panicked and shit, turns out I was the cause of the panic." I tried to make it a quick short version but that didn't happen I finished packing 15 minutes ago, yes the spell made it faster but still if I were doing it by hand the story would have finished half way through packing.

Some girls were containing their squeals or giggles definitely not Lucy or Hermione they were squealing from the start. "I for sure know they're going to hit it off when they're older." Lucy blurted out making the others agree with her "Oh come on Draco and I are best friends" they looked at me like I was dumb or something... ok maybe there is a spark or something but there's no way Draco would be interested in someone like me so I'll forget about it.

"Ok whatever girls but we better hurry or else we'll miss dinner." I said already being at the door "Woah how'd you get there so fast!" Lucy asked "Uhh while you girls were still squealing over... that, I casually walked over here." They didn't look like they believed me so I just rolled my eyes and repeated myself. "Dinner. Rush. Or. None." They screamed and jumped up dragging me along with them.

We made it to the great hall and slammed the door open grabbing everyone's attention. "Lucy!" She slowly turned to look at me "My bad." She laughed a little then said "You look like a mess." I quickly fixed my appearance and started to walk to the gryffindor table but before I could get far I turned around telling them they all looked the same, it was funny watching them all panic and fix their clothes and hair.

We all sat down and started eating "you girls just barely made it. What were you doing that took so long? And don't say packing cause I know (Y/n) would have used a spell or two."Harry asked us, we all looked at each other trying to come up with a good excuse but like always it's either Hermione or I that comes up with one. "We were playing around and I decided to wear a long dress and it got stuck on the bed, and I was definitely not going to rip it so us girls took our time to get it off with no rips." I quickly answered.

He actually took it wow Harry you're dumb I understand Ron falling for it but my own brother? I looked up locking eyes with Draco he was smiling at me so I pulled a funny face but to him it's 'cute' it looked like he let out a little laugh then he made the same face I did... maybe it is cute. That's when I was disturbed by a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh hey Luke." He smiled at me "Hey (N/n), mind if I sit next to you?" He asked me as he pointed to the empty seat next to me "No need to ask Luke." I laughed a bit "Ok thank you." He said as he took a seat, he then put an arm around me pulling me closer.

Draco's P.O.V

I managed to lock eyes with (N/n) I smiled at her, she had a small smile on but then she made that cute face I love well she thinks it's not cute and that it's meant to be a funny face I let out a small laugh catching the attention of Crabbe I swatted him away telling him to continue eating which he gladly did. I then pulled that exact same face she was shocked for a second but then smiled with a small blush.

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin ~Year 2~//Draco x Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now