Train ride

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*!Not my fan art!*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I was walking through the train trying to find the compartment Lucy, Stephanie, Izrail and Lizzy are in, Hermione said she'd sit with Harry and Ron to make sure they don't go looking for you and so Draco can fit.

That's when I feel someone grab my waist and move me to the side that's when someone bumps into my shoulder I look up to the person that pulled me to the side to see that it was Draco.. that's is giving someone a nasty glare "Watch where your going. You could have knocked (Y/n) over." He scolded them they just quickly apologised and ran off "People are going to start weird rumours now." I told him as we continued to walk while he still had his arm around my waist.

"Let them." He still seems mad "I know you wouldn't stay mad at something like that, so what's making you stay mad?" I asked him he looked at me with shock I'm his eyes "I know you well Draco, so spill it what or who had mad you mad." He sighed knowing he can get out of this topic now "As you like to call them, it's Pugface." I wasn't that surprised but I looked him and motioned for him to continue.

"I over heard her saying things about you and when I confronted her about them she was talking about how she's going to get rid of you so she can have me all to herself.. yeah it made me mad but what pissed me off was when she said.." he stopped speaking and bit his lip trying to not get mad.

"What did she say?" I asked worried it took him a while till he answered me "That.. you and Luke will get together, and if you guys didn't naturally get together she'd force you two.. with a love potion or something." His grip on my waist got tighter and I noticed his other hand balled up in a tight fist. "You don't want Luke and me to be together? That's what is making you mad?" I questioned "No! Yeah kinda.. I'm more mad cause she was going to force you to love someone you probably wouldn't love."

"Oh I do love Luke." His face went from shocked to sad "I love him as much as I love you, both of you are my dear friends. I can't date Luke anyways." Draco had a slight blush on his face but then he looked confused "what do you mean by you can't date Luke?" That's when Lucy popped out of the compartment next to Draco "Cause he's gay, duh." She said as if it was obvious. It gave Draco a fright but then he looked shocked. I have to drag him in the compartment and even sit him down.

I'm sitting in the middle of Draco and Lucy while Lizzy is directly in front of me with Stephanie to her left and Izrail to her right. "He's gay?" Draco says still shocked "Yep, and don't think about being mean to him!" Stephanie points a finger in front of his face. "I wouldn't dare. Especially cause I'm friends with (Y/n)." Lucy tried to hold in her laugh "Is the one and only Draco Malfoy actually scared of something!? And that something is (N/n)" she bursts into a fit of laughter.

"No! Not all the time.. only when she's mad at me." He looks away with a pout gosh he can still be cute. I chuckled "I'd never hurt my friends." He turned and gave me that 'Really?' Look I gasped and slightly hit him "See! You just did." By then everyone is laughing and soon we join.

We were talking for awhile until I started to become sleepy that's when I felt someone lean down to my ear... actually I knew straight away who that someone is duh I'm sitting next to Draco and Lucy and she's too busy talking to the girls so clearly it's Draco.

"You should get some rest." He whispered I nodded "mhm" that's when I felt him move his arm up and around my shoulders pulling me closer and leaning my head on his shoulder, he left his hand resting in my head. I instantly felt myself being pulled into a deep sleep then in seconds I was out cold. But before I could fall into that deep sleep I heard him say 'have a nice rest love' then laying his head on mine.

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