Knockturn Alley

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I was standing by their small fire place, it can only fit one person I mean you can fit 2 but you might me squished. I was talking to Ginny while waiting for the others.

Soon they all started coming back down. "Alright, now we'll be traveling by Floo Powder. Harry you first." Mrs Weasley said smiling "But mum, Harry has never traveled by Floo Powder before" Ron piped in, Harry looked so confused I couldn't help but giggle. "Then Ron, you go first." Ron walked you to the fire place and grabbed a small hand full of Floo Powder then proceeded to step into the fire place.

I noticed Harry was really focused on this, Ron spoke clearly and threw the powder down, when Ron was covered in green flames Harry got shocked then he disappeared and Harry was more surprised.

"Now it's your turn brother, you got this!" I tried to comfort him. Harry walked into the fire place and looked at me, I gave he a thumbs up. "Now take your Floo Powder Harry." Mrs Weasley politely told him Harry did as she said "Now remember to speak very, very clearly." I watched carefully knowing he is bound to do something different.

"D-Dia-gon Alley!" Harry oh brother that wasn't clear, "what did he say dear?" Mrs Weasley asked turning to her husband. "D-Dia-gin alley! I believe" he said back. "I'll go next, well I'll go get my brother and meet you guys at flourish and Blotts." I smiled at them "thank you dear just be careful" I nodded and grabbed some Floo Powder speaking exactly like Harry.

Traveling by cheap Floo Powder is quite sickening, soon I come flying out of this tiny fire place, Harry helps me up I look around to to see that we are indeed on Knockturn alley. "Oh harry we shouldn't be here." I said running up to him and linking arms "lets go."

"It's fine, we can just have a quick look then go" I didn't have much time to speak cause he started pulling me around looking at things. He soon came across this skeleton hand and was about it touch it, "No Harry don't do that!" But it was too late the hand clasped down on his and wouldn't let go.

Harry started to panic a bit trying to get it on I tried helping it has a strong grip but we managed to get his hand free. I looked out the windows see.. I gasped and grabbed Harry's hand running into this closet like thing. "What's up." He wasn't being quite "shhh be quite I saw Draco looking into this store." Harry's eyes widened.

Next minute we hear the door open and see Draco walk in he looked at this weird object and touch it I saw his father, I'm guessing, walk up behind him and slam his cane on the object making a loud sound making me jump, Harry put his arm around me and pulled me in like a protective older brother would do.

"Don't touch anything, Draco." Oh wow he sounds so cooled hearted that probably explains Malfoy better "yes father." They slowly started walking up to the counter Malfoy Junior still looking at everything. "Oh Master Malfoy" a guy from the back walked out, most likely the owner, "what a pleasure to see you again, and young Master Malfoy too delighted." He says with this sort of lisp.

"I must say they're just in today and very reasonably priced" Malfoy Senior didn't let the shop owner continue "I'm not buying today, Morgan I'm selling." buying? Selling? I looked back at Malfoy Junior he's still looking at everything. "Selling?" That Morgan or whatever guy asked "Draco." Malfoy Senior raised his voice.

Malfoy Junior walks next to his Father and puts a box on the counter I do wonder what's in there, he then looks at his father and walks away to continue to look at things why is my heart racing? Well it could be cause we're hiding from them and it's nerve racking.

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