It's Finally Over

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Harry's P.O.V

"Get up! (Y/n) don't do this to me please I can't lose you!" I yell while I pull her closer to me, just then Fawks comes over and was crying? A tear dropped on my arm completely healing my wound. "Please do that to my sister not me!" I pleaded. He tried but it wasn't healing her completely if anything it's just made the opening smaller.

I grabbed (Y/n) as Ginny helped support her and we both ran for the exit, she was helping me up the ladder and through the first gate way. Ron ran out engulfing Ginny in a big hug then gasped when he saw (Y/n) I told him to just help Ginny back which he did. Fawks flew back to us and helped us all up the pipe.

We were running towards the hospital wing till we saw Professor McGonagall "What are you four doing out you have to be in your dorms especially after hearing that loud roar... Ginny is that you." She says as we get closer, she also noticed (Y/n) in my arms and hurried us to the hospital wing when we got there we put her on the bed but then Ron and I were brought back out by Professor McGonagall.

"She's in good hands now Mr. Potter don't worry your self to much." I nodded "Follow me you two." She told us as she led us to Dumbledore's office, after we explained to him what happened he told us we would have broken about a dozen school rules and that there is sufficient evidence to expel all three of us. But then he said that it would be fitting... to give us special awards? For services to the school as he says.

He then sent Ron away to mail the release paper for Hagrid to Azkaban. He turned back to me and said "first I want to thank you Harry, and (Y/n) too, of course, do tell her. You must have shown me great loyalty down in the chamber nothing but that could have called Fawks to you."

(You guys all know what happens after this how they talk about Harry and Voldemort blah blah. And about how he belongs in Gryffindor.)

That's when Malfoy's dad came barging in with Dobby behind him? He pushed me out the way with his cane and was talking to Dumbledore about his return, turns out Mr. Malfoy threatened several of the people that signed the petition, that he'd curse their families.

Malfoy's dad then asked if the culprit has been identified, when Dumbledore said yes he asked who it was. Dumbledore was calm about this and just said it was Voldemort but chose to act through somebody else. He said as he showed the book.

Dobby tugged on my sleeve and was pointing his head towards Mr. Malfoy. Dumbledore told him that I had found it "well let us hope that The Potter's will always be around to save the day." He said as he looked at me "don't worry. We will." I looked him in the eyes.

"Dumbledore." He nodded his head as did Dumbledore and turned around "Come on Dobby, we're leaving." He said harshly, as Dobby began to walk in front of him he kick Dobby off the stairs.

And when he got up whimpering Malfoy hit his back with his cane, oh I can just imagine what (N/n) would be doing right now if she was here, then I'll do it for her.... less violent and in a more kind way that is.

I ask if I could have the book, Dumbledore willingly gave it to me and I quickly raced down the stairs and caught up to Dobby and Malfoy's dad in the hall way. "Mr. Malfoy.... Mr. Malfoy!" I called out to him and stopped right behind him as he turned to look at me.

"I have something of yours." I then pushed the book into his hands "My... I don't know what your talking about." He said trying to make me believe that but I'll always believe my sister over anyone else.

At the start of the year when we were getting our books once we left she told me she saw him slipping a black book into Ginnys bucket but couldn't see any writing or sign of title. "Oh I think you do sir, my sister has quite astonishing eye sight, she managed to see you slipping a book into Ginnys bucket."

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