Is It Over?

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(Y/n)'s  P.O.V

I followed after Ron while pulling Harry down with me. We slid down the pipe and landed on some old bones but it didn't hurt that much. I got up and pointed my wand at Lockhart as did the others. There was a tunnel in front of us "Remember any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away." I instructed to them.

They nodded then we proceeded into the tunnel. "What's that? Up ahead?" Ron asked "that looks like a... snake." Lockhart whimpered while covering his eyes, fucking scaredy-cat. "Maybe it's asleep." Harry told us. Ugh why do us girls always gotta do everything our selves.. ah yes cause we're bad bitches.

"Lumos." I said as I lit up the tip of my wand to see that is was just the snakes skin from when it was shedding. "It's just the snakes skin gosh." I say as I continue to walk but had to stop cause Lockhart fainted fucking wimp. Ron kneeled down besides him "what a coward." I said.

Just then he opens his eyes then snatched his wand, scrabbling to his feet "You bitch!" I yelled "Language geez." Harry said. "The adventure ends here, children! But don't fret The world will know our story. How I was to late to save the girl. How you three tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. I'll even bind a limited edition in this snake skin. Say goodby to your memories." Lockhart said

"Oh the adventure has just started, we can never be stopped now you should say goodbye to your memories." I snapped back he just laughed and continued to cast the spell "Obliviate!" Ah how Rons wand came in handy.

Lockhart blasted himself back losing his memories and knocking him out but cause of the blast it caused rocks to fall down from the ceiling separating me and Harry from Ron and Lockhart. "Ron? Are you ok?" Harry called out to Ron. "We're ok. This gits not though." Ron replied back "he got blasted by my wand." He mentioned.

"Hello. Who are you?" I heard Lockhart ask rather confused "Um Ron Weasley." He said "That's nice. And who am I?" Lockhart asked back. "The memory charm back fired, Ron. He's lost all his memories." I facepalmed.

I could here them still talking "What do we do now?" Ron asked. "Wait there with Lockhart we'll continue on and find Ginny. If we're not back in an hour." I trailed off "I'll try and shift some of these rocks so you can get back through." Ron answered us back.

We continued to walk only to soon come across a circle snake gate? Like a safe kinda. Only one answer "Open up." I say in Parseltongue. The snakes came to life sorta they moved back as another one did a full circle around it then it opened up. "Let's go." I say as I rush in and climb down the ladder with Harry coming down shortly after me.

We walked down the big walk way water on both sides with giant snake head statues, as we got closer it opens up like a big platform. There was a massive head just in the middle of the wall as well.... that's when we noticed Ginny laying in the middle of the ground. "Ginny." I say as I run to her side lifting her head on my lap.

Harry kept calling out to her 'wake up' or 'please don't be dead' I looked up as I could sense another person? Walking up to as, at least I think it's a person cause it doesn't feel like one. Out of the dark shadow a person walked out.... "Tom!?" Harry looked up as well.

"She won't wake." He then walked closer to us "Tom.. Tom riddle? What do you mean she won't wake? She's not." Harry asked "she's still alive but only just."

"Are you a ghost" Harry asked Tom "A memory preserved in a diary for 50 years" he corrected Harry "She's cold as ice Ginny please don't be dead." while we weren't paying attention Tom knelt down and grabbed Harry's wand "you've got to help us Tom there's a Basilisks." Harry panicked "He won't come till he's called." I elbowed Harry he looked up to see Tom holding his wand. I carefully put Ginnys head down as I stood up with Harry.

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