Duelling Club

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Again, you mean the Chamber of Secrets was opened before?" Hermione asked as I handed her an ingredient to put in the potion. "Of course don't you see Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was at school here. And he's taught Draco how to do it." Ron says

"Maybe, we'll have to wait for the polyjuice potion to be done to know for sure."

"Enlighten me, why are we are brewing this potion in broad daylight in the middle of a girls lavatory? Don't you think we'd get caught?" I was quite this whole time except now.

"First off Ron Hermione and I are the only ones brewing this potion." I looked at Hermione so she could finish off the sentence and she caught on in seconds.

"No one ever comes in here." Hermione giggled "why?" Ron asked "moaning myrtle." Hermione and I said in sync "moaning who?" Ron was confused, she then came peeking out from one of the stalls.

"Who's moaning myrtle?" That's when she speaks up "I'm Moaning Myrtle!" She says scaring Ron half to death. "I wouldn't expect you to know me, who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping, moaning myrtle."

She then screams and flys back to the stall and goes down the toilet. "She's a little bit sensitive." Me and Hermione say in sync again.

~*Time skip*~

Lockhart was able to get the approval from Dumbledore to open up a duelling club, Hermione just had to sign us all up for it. We were in the great hall for the lesson.

He pushed all the tables together to make it one really long table Lockhart came walking down it and stopping in the middle.

"Gather round! Gather round! Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent. In light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little duelling club, to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done on countless occasions, for full details, see my published works." He threw his cape to a group of fan girls.

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape." Snape then walked down the table "he has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry. You'll still have your Potions Master when I'm through with him, never fear!"

"Or maybe it's the other way around. Lockhart." I said his name with venom I heard a few giggles from around me I managed to see Draco he was also laughing a bit. "Knock him out Snape." I said giving him two thumbs up with a wide smile. His lips curled up a bit and he gave me one singular nod.

They put their wands up in front of their faces then swiftly put it down to their sides and bowed. They walked a few paces away from each other then took their stances "1.... 2.... 3," Lockhart said cheekily they both turned around but Lockhart was to slow.

"Expelliarmus!" Snape sent Lockhart flying back. Everyone giggled, of course I got a slap from Hermione but it was funny. "Yes. An executive idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you done mind me saying so, it was very obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy."

"Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells, Professor." Snape suggested, well more like a demand cause Snape did in fact know better. "An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape. Let's have a volunteer pair. Potter, Weasley, how about you?"

Clearly Lockhart can't see that Ron's wand is being held up by some measly sticky tape. "Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending one of the Potter's to the hospital wing in a matchbox. Might I suggest someone from my own house. Malfoy, perhaps." Snape motioned Draco to go up.

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