Defense Against the Dark Arts

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I noticed how all my friends paired up without me Hermione had her bag on the chair next to her, they did this on purpose. Draco pulled up a chair behind Hermione and gestured for me to sit down "Oh uh thank you." I took a seat as he pushed the chair in.

All the girls eyes where on us. Draco looked up and the girls immediately turned away "Were they staring at us?" He asked as he slid down in his seat coolly with his hands in his pockets.

"Hm just ignore them, they're being nosey." And just on cue they all shouted "Hey!" Draco and I couldn't help but laugh at them.

A lot of time has passed and class would be starting soon, Harry and Ron were actually early this time and sat on the desk next to ours I could feel both of their gazes on me. This is the one and only time I'm thankful towards Gilderoy Lockhart making an appearance.

"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher. Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming Smile Award. But I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!"

"You didn't get rid of the Banshee at all." I scoffed while every other girl was swooning over only one of my friends were sadly, yep Hermione. "No way, your the first girl I've known to not be swooning over him." I turned to see Draco was still in the same position just with his hands behind his head, nd he also looks bored.

"Uh why would I like him, he's like 27 years older than me it's a bit disturbing thinking about it." He smirked.. but why did he look proud? Or maybe he's just happy but why?

"I see you've all brought a complete set of my books. Well done. I thought we'd start today with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about. Just to check how well you've read them, how much you've taken in." He said.

"It's going to be a quiz on him not the books." I whispered to Draco he leaned closer and whispered back "I didn't read them anyways." He leaned out and smirked at me as I tried to not laugh "Your an idiot." I say as I playfully punch him.

"If you're planning to copy me you'll be surprised when you pass." He looked shocked "Don't tell me-" I put my index finger in front of his mouth cutting him off "No I didn't read it cause they're good my adoptive Pureblood parents, made me read them cause it was educational."

Draco chuckled, his voice really has gotten deeper. "Maybe I should just copy off you so I can also succeed in my classes... but this one, I'll only take some of your answers." Lockhart finally made his way over to our desk and gave us the sheet.

"I couldn't help but notice you two whispering to each other hm is there love blooming?" I blushed bright red and was stuttering on my words until I felt Draco's hand on my shoulder "I can assure you sir, we're just... very close friends." I smiled at him.

I looked back at Lockhart he had this really creepy smile plastered on his face "Whatever you say." Then walked away to the next desk. I held the paper up to my face "why is there so many questions?" Draco asked, so I started to read them

•What is Gilderoy's favourite colour?
•What is Gilderoy's Lockhart's secret ambition?
•What, in your opinion, is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?
•How many times has Gilderoy Lockhart won Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award?
•In his book Break with a Banshee, how did Gilderoy Lockhart bravely banish the Bandon Banshee?
•Which is Gilderoy Lockhart's best side for photographs?
•Has Gilderoy Lockhart ever won the Dunstable Duelling Championship for wizards or just been pipped at the post?
•Which product does Gilderoy Lockhart use to clean his teeth with to achieve his famous dazzling white smile?
•Which is the person name which Gilderoy Lockhart has given to his broomstick?
•When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday and what would his ideal gift be?

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