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(as i have been writing the third book i have decided to change their ages so here are their ages throughout the hogwart years.
7th year 19
6th year 18
5th year 17
4th year 16
3rd year 15
2nd year 14
1st year 13
the things i plan to write just gross me out by their ages in the movies)

(Y/n) P.O.V

I was sitting on my bed looking at my locket, I wondered what it would be like if they didn't get killed. "Ugh I'm so bored, Mione said she was going to send me mail all throughout the holiday but I haven't gotten a single one.. I wonder if Harry is the same!" I ran over to my desk until it hit me. "If Harry is also experiencing the same as me then my letter wouldn't reach him clearly... something or someone has to be the cause of this." I looked at Redina surely she can get this to Hermione's place with no trouble.

I quickly wrote a letter to Hermione stating that I'm not getting any letters from anyone and Harry might be in the same boat, I asked if she could just send a random letter to me so I could try catch whoever was taking my letters. "Here Redina take this to Hermione, something or someone may stop you, be careful, and do what you must to get that letter to Hermione." I could see how determined she was just by looking in her eyes, I opened the window and let her go, Time to wait.

Time skip

I saw Redina coming back so I quickly got up and opened the window... but she didn't have a note so Hermione must be sending her own owl.. ah I get you Hermione. Not to long after my owl got back I saw Hermione's. "Redina look at that! Somethings running straight for Hermione's owl." Out the corner of my eye I saw her spread her wings and take off straight for Hermione's owl... actually for the thing going for it. Redina managed to grab on of their arms whilst Hermione's had the other.

Redina dropped him to the floor and landed on my shoulder as for Hermione's she helped herself to some water. "Good job Redina, now you.... you um" what is a house elf doing taking my letters. "Indeed I am a house elf miss." How did he know I was thinking that. "But Dobby had to make sure you didn't get these letters... uh Dobby has no letters.. none at all." I looked him dead in the eyes he backed away scared, poor guy must be treated horribly "Dobby does get treated horribly" oookayyy I'm freaked out "Dobby, why did you take my letters." I sat on my bed looking at Dobby.

"Dobby hopped that if he took your letter you wouldn't want to go back to Hogwarts." What why is he keeping me away from Hogwarts. "Dobby you can not stop me from going to school." I said sternly getting my point out he showed fear in his eyes.

I slide of my bed and kneel in front of him so we're the same size. "Sorry for scaring you but why must I not go back to school." Dobby looked shocked I'm not surprised no house elf that's treated badly hears any high class wizard or witch apologizing. I shake my head telling him not to start about that. "The Potter's mustn't go back it's not safe oh I said to much, please give me that letter" he pulls out a stack of letters probably mine and was going to add the one I had in my hand, I quickly snatched it out of his.

"These are mine Dobby you can not take them." He smiles "then I must try with your brother." Oh no he's going to Harry's isn't he, I bolt downstairs and find my mother "Mother! Mother!" I yell while running to her, "Woah sweetheart what's the matter?" I took a few deep breaths before I could speak "No time to explain Mother can you just apparate to Harry's immediately." She nods and grabs my hand.

I look around to see a really tiny room. "I can't believe Harry has to live here Mother." She noticed how sad I was "he can always stay with us if he wanted to darling." I turned around with a massive smile on my face which made mother smile too, I gave her a massive hug, she then say on his chair. And then next thing Dobby was on Harry's bed.

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin ~Year 2~//Draco x Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now