The Knight Bus

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Vermin was a bit nicer to us but I knew he would go back to being a rude asshole but that was mainly towards Harry they knew I'd do something so they toned it down on me but when I'm around they try not to be too hard on my brother. But gosh it's been a nightmare, their pig won't leave me alone it's like he's crushing on me and we're not even in Alabama.

Harry was helping Petunia with a cake cause someone named Marge is coming over and they were trying to impress her or some shit, that's when the doorbell goes off and I get up not wanting to see this person but they pulled Harry aside clearly not getting the door and I was brought up to know not to let guest wait too long at the door.

So I walked over and opened the door "Oh, and who might you be?" She sounds so snobby "Harry's sisters ma'am." I said as nicely as I could even though I already don't like her "Well at least one of them has manners." She then pushed herself through the door and threw her hat and jacket at me. That pissed me off so I dropped them on the floor when she wasn't there.

I then walk into the kitchen next to Harry while the others greeted Marge that's when Harry walked up to Vermin and asked him to sign something for Hogwarts, it was a permission slip to hogsmeade, I sent mine to my parents and they sent them back not to later after I sent them of course they were signed she also got me a cute bracelet that I've been wearing for the remainder of the holiday.

All he said was later if WE behave, bitch why me!? You're not signing mine so why are you filling me into this you fat pig... ok I need to confess that staying here has brought out a bad side in me that I was hiding. Then that Marge bitch turned to Harry and said "You're still here? And you brought your sister." Oooh you want to fight aye "Yes." Was all Harry said just a simple blunt yes.

While they got the pleasure to eat at the table we ate at the kitchen bench and had to clean up after them but I'm only being good cause I want my brother to come to hogsmead with us. We both saw her dog licking the glass she was drinking at and we both smirked "What are you smirking at! Where is it that you sent him, Vernon?" Marge spoke.

"St. Brutus's. It's a first-rate institution for hopeless cases." He did not just fucking say that if anything you're the hopeless case fatty. I saw Harry frowning his brows at them. "I see and do they use the cane at St. Brutus's, boy?" She asked looking over at Harry "Oh, yes. I've been beaten loads of times." He sarcastically replied, I held back a laugh.

"And what about you, girl?" We have names "I go to a private all girls school in the city." It looked like her eyes sparkled probably cause the city is far away and expensive. She then turned her fat head back to look at the other fatty. "Mustn't blame yourself for how this ones turned out, Vernon. It all comes down to blood. Bad blood will out. What is it their father did, Petunia?"

"Harry doesn't have bad blood in him, nor did anyone in our family." I snapped at her still keeping some of my cool, she glared at me so I raise my head up squinting my eyes and raising an eyebrow she just looked back at Petunia. "He did nothing, their father. That is... he didn't work. He was unemployed." She answered Marge.

"Of course and a drunk I expect-" Harry got mad and interrupted this time "That's a lie!" She looked at Harry then said "what did you say?" My turnn "Do you need hearing aids, our dad wasn't a drunk." I said glaring at her just then the glass in her had bursts. "I think you two should go to bed." Vermin said nervously.

"Quiet Vernon, you two pick it up." She said snapping her fingers, if she gets on my nerves again her fingers will be snapping in a different kind of way. We walked over and started to pick up the broken glass pieces "It doesn't matter about the father. In the end it comes down to the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, there'll be something wrong with the pup."

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