Kings cross

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(Y/n) P.O.V

Today was the day we get to go back to Hogwarts I am actually very excited for this new year, can't make any new friends unless I make friends with the first years-

"Where here." Mr Weasley interrupted my thoughts, we got out of the car and got out belongings. "All right I'll be back with the other two." Mrs Weasley stayed here with us while Mr Weasley went to quickly get Ron and Harry.

"Well we may as well wait on the platform for them." Mrs Weasley told us while walking there already. It was Ginny's first year of Hogwarts I hope she has a fun year, I was about to run into the wall until I heard my name being called.

I turned around to see Lucy. I ran up to her and shared a massive hug "(Y/n)! I've missed you so much, what haven't you been replying to my letters?" She asked

"I've missed you more Lucy, it's a long story sorta. I've had a little house elf taking my letters." I pulled out the big stack of letters "oh wow, wait what an house elf doing taking letters?" I shrugged my shoulder "Only theory I have is that it's master commanded them to take my letters, no house elf dares to do anything their masters tell-"

Our conversation was cut short by both our names being screamed by three people, we laughed knowing exactly who it was. We turned around with our arms open, all three came bolting towards us "Oh no please tell me they're not going to do what I think." I giggled then replied when we were about to die. "They're going to do exactly what your thinking."

All three girls jumped on Lucy and I at the same time perfectly knocking all of us down to the ground "I'm pretty sure I just saw my life flash before my eyes" After Lucy said that we all bursted into laughter. Everyone was looking at us, some confused a few annoyed but most smiling at us.

Some lovely young men helped us up "Oh thank you." I say as one of the taller boys help me up "Who could be cold hearted enough to not help you up?" A flash back of when Draco had knocked me over in my first year of Hogwarts came straight to mind when he said that.

I smiled them replied "I actually know a few, they go to my school." His smile dropped a little "that's not very kind of them." I nodded "The names Ace, are you perhaps in Hogwarts?" My smile grew wider "Yes I am!" I noticed my own excitement "ahem, I am (Y/n) a second year at Hogwarts." I held out my hand.

"Ah an older classmate." He said while shaking my hand. "Ahem. Are you two going to continue looking lovestruck at each other or get on the platform" Lucy said looking back at us, I could feel a strong blush creeping onto my face. "Gosh Lucy, I could say the same thing to you too!" I playfully punched her shoulder.

"Hey, I-I wasn't-" I pushed her closer to the boy that helped her up and instantly her face went red. "Explain that then huh?" She was about to say something until we heard a new voice. "Oh my who are these lovely girls boys." It was a little group like ours of older females, ah the boys mothers.

"They're new friends. Second years of Hogwarts." Ace spoke up, the mothers giggles and made ooh sounds "Second years? Already making moves on old-" Ace coughed loudly enough to get their attention "shall we get going mother." He said while making a sorry facial expression to all of us.

"Oh all right just because we don't want you missing the first day of school, we hope to see you girls around." We waved bye to them, for now it seems. "You ready (N/n)?" Lucy asked passing me my belongings.

"Um not quite Harry's still not here." I smiled at her "that's quite all right well save a spot for you, well take your luggage too." She held out her hand "Your a gem thanks Lulu." I handed her my luggage and waved bye to the girls as they went through the wall.

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin ~Year 2~//Draco x Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now