Tom Riddle

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I stayed in the hospital with Hermione cause Madam Pomfrey loves me and I'm the only one that willingly helps her out, then Ron and Harry came in with a diary but I fell asleep cause I was exhausted after helping out with injured students.

But I didn't care cause I found my Fathers old note books about Tom, I read them all, I knew everything I needed to know about him.

I was sitting with Harry in our common room at the tables, he was trying to figure out the diary. "Hey your the one with the smarts, do you know how to do this?" He asked I laughed "I may be smarter than a lot of people but even I don't know..." I stopped talking when I saw the ink and quill in front of me.

I grabbed the quill and dipped it in ink then hovered it over the book letting the ink drop on the pages. Once it hit the page it looked like it soaked into the page but then it just disappeared. I shot my head up to look at Harry, turns out he did the same.

"Maybe we should try writing actual words this time." I shoved the quill in his hand and pushed the book over to him. "Hey why me." He gasped "hehe cause you're the one that found and took this book, plus you were so curious about it." I laid my head on Harry's shoulder and watched as he wrote in the book.

I started to read out loud what he wrote "My name is Harry.. Potter.. and this is my sister.. (Y/n).. Potter." It then started to fade away "wow" I gasped.

"WOAH HARRY-" Harry quickly covered my mouth saying shut up I was just frantically pointing at the paper. He then looked at it "Hello Harry and (Y/n) Potter, my name is Tom Riddle." Harry read out.

Harry began to write again 'do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets.' I then spoke up "Harry I don't have a good feeling about this." I said with worry "it'll be fine don't worry even if something were to happen I'll protect you." He smiles at me.

Then I noticed the book wrote back "Harry.." I pointed at the book "look" it wrote back a yes. Harry then asked if it could tell us but it said no Harry sighed in frustration leaning back in his chair and looking to at the ceiling.

But then it wrote back again I gasped and yanked Harry back up to look at it "Ow (N/n) why'd you-" he stopped talking as he saw what the book said back 'but I can show you.'

I then leaned closer and was blinded by a bright light, once I opened my eyes I was on the stairs in Hogwarts but it was dull not much colour did it blind me so much that I now see black and white. I looked over at Harry to only see that he was still bright with colours.

"Are we in a flashback!?" I shrieked Harry just shrugged his shoulders "I think we are?" Harry then started calling out to one of the students on the stairs but got no response. "Maybe that's Tom. Tom Riddle." I said to Harry.

We saw Dumbledore walking with people that seem to be holding a long board of some sort but he stopped at the start of the stairs while the people carrying a DEAD BODY!?.... came down the stairs. From there on I blacked out and could only hear the muffled of talking then Harry pulling me by the sleeve.

When I snapped out of it I looked up to see Tom in this room with a box and a tall man Harry then called out saying Hagrid but then we started getting sucked away and boom bang we're back to our usual time and usual place.

"Hey (N/n) you ok? You kind of zoned out." Harry asked worried. I stood up really fast pushing my seat pretty far away from me my eyes were still wide open from the shocked of what I saw. I turned to Harry and bluntly said "Never use that book again."

He looked a bit scared but more worried. "(Y/n) what is wrong." He asked standing up. I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and held back tears as I said. "I remember it all Harry."

He looked at me confused "Our parents deaths... I even remember what we were doing before Voldemort came... I can perfectly remember mother screaming as she fell to the floor. Even father laying in the lounge room as we were taken away from the house."

At this point I couldn't stop my tears I just kept crying while Harry was holding me close rubbing circles on my back to calm me down. I knew he wanted to hear more about it but he could see how talking about this subject made me feel.

Sorry for the short chapter I didn't know what else to write, and you all know how I go by movies I've been having to use all different sites seeing as Netflix took Harry Potter off awhile ago I finally settled down on a good movie app that has all the Harry Potter movies but cause it's on my phone I have to switch from wattpad to the movie app and it takes even longer now. And my dumb ass can't figure out how to turn subtitles on cause when I do they don't fucking show up.

Also I'm getting my motivation back probably cause it's at the end of the second year now and that's where most of my ideas came from, but I thought I'd publish another chapter early.

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